Chapter Two // Supernovae and Their Sons // Deadly Life

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Mei Himura, the Ultimate Therapist, was dead on her bedroom floor

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Mei Himura, the Ultimate Therapist, was dead on her bedroom floor.

Her cold, dead eyes were permanently fixated in a shocked expression, her cheeks wet with tears and face blue from oxygen deprivation. Her mouth was bloody and the thick liquid was left dripping down the side of her face.

All of this together combined with her hand still tightly gripping a pen, indicating an attempt to write a final message, came together to paint a horrifyingly graphic scene.

Not even the bright lights shining in from the hallway could illuminate her dead eyes which stared deeply into the ceiling. Tears had pooled in them and were leaking out in all directions.

"Jesus..." Hannah said in shock. "That's horrible."

"Mei...oh my god..." Teruko clasped her hand over her mouth. "I can't believe she's actually..."

The body discovery announcement played immediately after, calling everyone to Mei's room.

In almost perfect sync, the girls who were in their rooms quickly popped out of them, varying levels of terror blighting their faces.

Yukie immediately glided towards the doorway, and her face turned to fury. "Again?"

In time, everyone showed up to verify, with three notable exceptions.

Hiroyuki, Ryuji and Mayumi were all notably absent from the scene.

Everyone's reactions were mostly the same, shock, fear, disbelief, you name it.

Sota came careering down the hallway, and screamed in horror as his eyes met Mei's, and he lunged backwards, falling down.

Atsuji made a face of exhaustion and disgust, and stood defensively with his arms crossed, looking around in paranoia.

"Where are those three?" Haruto asked, still reeling from the discovery.

"If they're not here by now, we should just get started without them." Kotomi advised, swiftly thrusting us into the investigation without checking on our emotional states. "Someone can go find them later."

"Maybe they went to sleep after eating so much." Inaya took even this opportunity to brag about her prowess.

At that, the monitors flicked on. "Well, then, Mei is dead, huh?" Monomeiko laughed.

Monoissei nodded. "It appears so...but who did it? I know! It was-"

"Don't spoil that!! It's investigation time! To help, your eHandbooks have been loaded with our handy-dandy Monokuma file!"

"Happy investigation!" Then, the monitors turned off.

Kotomi sighed, and began to attempt to take charge of the situation. "Let's read the Monokuma File together-"

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