Chapter Three // 300 Million meters per second // Daily Life

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I woke up that morning and made my way to the cafeteria

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I woke up that morning and made my way to the cafeteria. I was last there, barring Teruko.

"Morning!!" Kotomi waved. I looked around the room, and everyone was in a slump, pushing the food around in their plates and bowls.

Kotomi sighed when I replied with a meagre "Hi."

The slight tension reliever that would normally be provided by Hiroyuki and Ryuji being so comfortable with each other was notably not there. Instead, Ryuji slowly sipping his orange juice while making uncomfortable eye contact with a crossed-arms Hiroyuki from across the room piled on top of the tension.

Ryuji was also staring daggers into me, his eyes radiating pure malice.

Despite the fact that Hiroyuki initiated the argument last night, he looked more worse for wear than Ryuji did. The very light dusting of makeup was noticeably missing, showing some dark circles around his eyes.

Speaking of his eyes, his eye colour was completely different. He hadn't even bothered wearing colour contacts that day.

Never mind his eyes, his outfit was also a stark contrast to before. Now, instead of his thigh-high stockings and grey skirt, he was wearing pants which looked like part of a school uniform, which was certainly a very different look.

Then I realised where I recognised the pants from.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I asked him, shattering the silence before I realised what was happening. He shrugged.

"I just...wanted to wear something different." Hiroyuki said, side-eyeing Ryuji.

"No, I mean what are you wearing?!" I gestured at the pants. Something clicked in his head.

"Ohh, these! I just, um...borrowed them from somewhere."


"You didn't lock your door last night, we're similar heights, and I wanted different clothes!"

I was lost for words. "So you sneaked into my room while I slept?!"

"Don't worry, it's not like I took clean ones from your drawers. You know, you really should tidy your room instead of throwing your clothes on the floor."

"You're wearing my dirty clothes?!"

"I suppose when you put it like that it sounds kinda-" He stood up to defend himself, but sat back down silently when I stopped him speaking.

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