Chapter Two // Supernovae and Their Sons // Daily Life

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This part is slightly shorter than usual, but I don't want to fill it with empty filler stuff. This is mostly focusing on free time events, as we don't have a new motive/area/death this part.

The next few parts will be extra long to make up for it.

My morning routine was just like normal. On the calendar Kotomi had drawn, it was August 6th, one day before Mei's birthday.

"Um...what should we do about presents?" Kotomi worriedly asked.

Mei waved her hand. "Don't worry about it, I always return presents anyways."

"I'll need to start preparing the food tonight..." Inaya sighed. "What kind of palette are you aiming for?" She asked. Mei shrugged.

"How about a little bit of everything."

"Everything?!" She exhaustedly said. "Um...yes, I suppose I could try that."

"Oo! Lemme help with decorations!" Hiroyuki skipped over.

"Really, it's just my birthday. It's not a huge deal, and I might be wrong anyways."

"Well, I think we all need something to lift our spirits after the incident."

The atmosphere dipped after the mentioning of "the incident", as Kotomi always referred to it.

Kotomi, Inaya and Hiroyuki stayed behind to begin planning the party.

I had a lot of free time. The best strategic move would be to get to know the people I hadn't so far, but I also didn't want to.

It was a tough choice. Make myself less likely to be a victim, or make myself less likely to want to blow my own brains out.

But maybe I was being too harsh on my fellow captives.

After thinking that, I found Yukie in the empty room on the recently opened floor. She was sat with her legs crossed and back against the wall, eating microwave ramen from a plastic tub, so maybe I wasn't being too harsh.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked her.

"I could say the same to you."

Her odd behaviour reminded me of her actions on the day of Eiken's murder, and how drastically her personality shifted.

"Why did you have a sort of mental breakdown over Rika? We were all pissed off that she did that, but you got really mad."

"I always spent a lot of time with my brother when I was younger." She completely changed the subject. "In his garage. He had these cool molds we could pour resin into. The one I remember best is the dinosaur. I dunno which one specifically, I'm not a palaeontologist."

"Why are you talking about your brother?"

"We were really close. Not in, like, a creepy way, but we were close."

"Were? That's an odd choice of words."

"Anyways, that's all in the past now." She jumped to her feet. "I believe we have an exit to find." She shoved the now empty plastic tub and fork into my arms.

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