Chapter Five // Codename Altair // Daily Life

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Gravestone_Monarch made a really funny animation based on Yukie having access to a gun, but I can't seem to put the link in the chapter! Check them and their fangan series out anyways!

I opened my eyes and immediately was met by Ryuji's peaceful face. Evidently, I had turned over in the night and we were now facing each other. His mouth was slightly open and his messy hair was covering his gently closed eyes. The dark as night bags under his eyes were noticeably lighter than the night before.

With every breath, his whole body moved slightly and he let out a quiet snore. Being so close to his face, I noticed things I never had before like the slight dotting of freckles over the bridge of his nose, and the old closed up piercing holes on his ears.

He stirred slightly, moving his face away from mine as he did. I took that as a sign that I had overstayed my welcome.

I managed to slowly leave the bed without waking him up, and I gently closed the door behind me as I left the room.

I made my way to the cafeteria, where Kotomi, Inaya, Atsuji, and Hannah were waiting for me.

"Still no sign of Yukie?" I asked. Kotomi shook her head.

"Have you seen Ryuji? I'm getting worried about him. I went to his room and Saki's last night to check on him and he wasn't there..." She said concernedly.

"Oh, him?" I said, acting as casually as I could. "He slept in my bed last night. He came to my room with a cut hand then told me how he wanted to sleep so badly."

"He actually slept?" Atsuji said in disbelief. "How'd you do that?"

"I dunno, he just said he needed to sleep next to someone." I shrugged.

"He slept in your bed, next to you?!" Hannah said, laughing. "I knew you boys would fuck eventually!"

"He never said that happened!" Kotomi insisted. "I am glad that he's doing better." She said that, but I could sense her subtle anger and resentment. It couldn't have been that she was jealous, right?

I decided to ignore it.  "Yeah. I even got him to eat and drink something. Plus he showered."

"Well done!" Inaya congratulated me.

"Maybe he'll be back to normal soon..." Atsuji said hopefully.

"As if he ever was normal, that guy's a proper freak, like." Hannah remarked playfully, still eating her breakfast.

It finally felt like things were returning to normal. Well, as normal as they could be after 9 deaths in the span of just under a couple of weeks.

"He might not even wake up today." Said Atsuji.

"He was so tired, he started hallucinating yesterday. I doubt he'll wake up this week." Hannah joked.

"We shouldn't joke. Someone should really check up on him. His actions are those of someone with deep trauma." Inaya noted wisely.

"Good point. He called me his mum yesterday." Hannah said. "Or mom, depending on your persuasion. Either way, that's fucked up."

"Eloquent as always." I sarcastically said. "But he did mention something about never being able to sleep alone."

"We should not pry." Declared Inaya. "We will let him talk about it if he wants to."

"Good point. I wouldn't want people talking about *my* trauma behind my back." Atsuji lamented.

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