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If you got this far, thank you. A lot.

I'm not writing this for reads or votes, but every single comment I get means a whole lot to me. I read every single comment I get and I often stay up late refreshing and reading the new ones that come in.

If you are reading, I'm not expecting comments, so that's fine. But if you can, please vote. It lets me know people are enjoying what I'm doing.

If anyone needs plot points cleared up, I'll be happy to explain (within reason) what exactly happened in the 6th trial, as I think it may have gotten a little confusing.

In this chapter, I'll also put everyone's full body sprites because I haven't shown them yet and they exist and I wouldn't want all the effort I put in to waste. Under each character will their birthdays and my thoughts on them, their designs and their original role.

Order is chronologically on when they were designed.

Mayumi Shinjo, Ultimate ProphetBirthday: January 20Orginal role: She always died in chapter 3, and always killed Teruko, but the circumstances of her death changed multiple times

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Mayumi Shinjo, Ultimate Prophet
Birthday: January 20
Orginal role: She always died in chapter 3, and always killed Teruko, but the circumstances of her death changed multiple times. Originally, Nycas was going to be present for her stumbling into the lounge injured, but that was changed last minute. She was never intended to make it past chapter 3 or even reach the trial. I decided chapter 3 was the right moment for her to die.
She was also the first character I made for this cast! You can probably tell, as the quality of her sprite is (in my opinion) slightly lower than the rest.
She was supposed to behave as more of an antagonist through the story as a sort of Angie-inspired miniboss, but that largely didn't make the final version. I wish I had done more with her character and expressed her backstory more in the actual story. Ask if you wanna hear about it!

Kotomi Tokushige, Ultimate Debate Team Leader Birthday: June 17Original Role: Kotomi is an interesting story

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Kotomi Tokushige, Ultimate Debate Team Leader
Birthday: June 17
Original Role: Kotomi is an interesting story. She was always the traitor in this version of the story, but she is based on a character from a (scrapped) Fangan I created in early 2020. This Fangan had a whole cast with names and talents, and was half designed, when I scrapped it for multiple reasons. It was completely disconnected from DRDA. In this Fangan, she was the support character and her talent was the Ultimate Meteorologist. She was still the traitor, but she survived.
I was inspired by this early version of her and made her a sort of "wannabe support", always bugging Nycas and fighting Hannah for his attention. This is where the idea of the whole backstory of the Fangan came from.
This is probably my second favourite designed character! She's just so interesting to look at!
But as a character, I love to hate her.

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