Chapter Four // Galactic Century Trapped With You // Daily Life

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The alarm clock rang out, shaking me awake like an alarm should

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The alarm clock rang out, shaking me awake like an alarm should. I was in my bedroom. Of course I was. It's where I had gone to sleep every night since I was little.

I hit snooze, because of course I did. What kind of normal person doesn't hit snooze?

Five minutes later, the alarm shocked the rest of the sleep from my system, and I was forced out of bed. I checked the date on my phone, relieved to see it was a saturday.

As I was checking the date, I got a notification from the group chat with my friends in it.

himuraMei: Nycas just woke up.

hannah.c: damn she's right lol he just came online

Teroxicologist: That's a little creepy.

atsujiiiii: teruko what the hell is your username thats awful

I let out a small chuckle, quickly typing my response.

Nycas: It is a little creepy. How did you know?

himuraMei: Well, you seem like the type of guy to hit snooze.

EikenSexyguchi: but how did you know his alarm time in the first place?

sakisimp: creep lmao go shower stinky

ryujisimp: that's mean ryuji

sakisimp: ur right. Mei i'm soo sorry please accept my forgiveness

God: To whom it may concern,

Who changed my username? This is not funny. I do not believe I am god, simply her vessel.

- Mayumi Shinjo, Ultimate Prophet

queen.of.hearts: ffs mayumi you don't need to write your messages like letters wtf

HidetoGoto: Thanks for reminding me to leave this group.

HidetoGoto left the group
KotomiT added HidetoGoto

KotomiT: This is a class study group we need to all stay in!

HidetoGoto: Fine.

OdinKinnie: How is your vacation, Kotomi?

KotomiT: Great! Although it isn't a vacation, my uncle died.

OdinKinnie: Oh.

sakisimp: nice one haruto

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