Chapter Two // Supernovae and Their Sons // Daily Life

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That morning when I entered the cafeteria, everyone stared at me, expecting something from me. When I didn't reply back, things got continually more awkward.

The tension was smashed when Mei entered.

Hiroyuki and Teruko immediately unleashed party poppers, to the amusement of Mei.

"Happy birthday!" Kotomi cheered.

"I think." Mei corrected with a glare.

"Well, true or not, we need some relief from the situation," Inaya said. "So, I've done a little bit of expanding on the whole birthday party, and Teruko and I are holding a feast!"

"Feast?" Atsuji, who had been showing up to breakfast a lot more recently, said.

"Think of it as gift for Mei." She gleamed. Inaya was smiling outwardly to the group, but I could see her side eyes towards almost everyone else.

Mei was also giving side eyes, but hers was more of suspicion.

"Not to play the cynic," Mayumi began. "But why are we suddenly all acting as if we like Mei?"

"Come again?" Hannah said, leaning back in her chair.

"She came last in the ratings, yes?" With that, the tension in the room returned.

"Well, opinions can change." Inaya asserted.

"Yours haven't. Not once. You have a very slim view on how people can change, right?"

"That's ridiculous."

"Is it really, Inaya?"

Mayumi's astute observation of Inaya's worldview appeared to bring everyone's attention to the innate lack of trust within our group.

"Someone should tell Hideto about the feast." Hannah changed the subject. "Doubt he'll even show up, mind you. Wee prick."

"I've barely even seen him since getting here, how was he not last?" Ryuji asked in confusion. "And, how did we tie for 9th?"

"Aye. Proper pisstake, innit?" Hannah scoffed. "Reckon it's rigged."

"Innit." Ryuji echoed.

With breakfast over with, I had free time. I supposed the nice thing to do would be to apologise to Mei and Teruko for assaulting them the day before.

Reluctantly, that's what I did. I found Mei in her room, eating a chocolate bar.

"Hey." She said, stuffing her face, slamming her notebook shut.

"Hey. I'm sorry about kicking you yesterday, I just had a slight..."

"Temper tantrum? It happens, don't worry about it."

I knew she was lying about something. Her tell was excessive hand gestures with her right hand, easy to spot as she was left handed.

"Oh, and remember, I've hidden everything I know all over, just don't go looking unless I croak."

"And happy birthday." I added on the end. I didn't even acknowledge her plan.

"Thanks, Nyca-" I slammed the door. Next was Teruko, who was in the kitchen with Inaya.

Both girls were rushing around the kitchen, frantically trying to get the food ready. "Ah, Nycas! Can I borrow your handbook, please?"

"...sure." I passed her it. She pressed it against the good fridge, and pulled out some of the better food.

"Thanks." She passed the handbook back.

"Hey, Teruko?"

She looked at me nervously. "U-Um, yes?"

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