Chapter Two // Supernovae and Their Sons // Daily Life

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a/n pls vote i beg it lets me know you're actually engaged🙏🙏

My eyes cracked open at the morning announcement from Monoissei and Monomeiko

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My eyes cracked open at the morning announcement from Monoissei and Monomeiko.

Every single time they spoke I get a pounding headache, which completely disappeared the second they did.

Brushing it off as their annoying voices, I went for breakfast.

Most people made it. The only ones who didn't were Hideto and Atsuji.

"Morning, Nycas!" Kotomi cheerily said as she did every morning, although this one was different.

She seemed to be desperately scrambling to keep everyone in high spirits. It wasn't working. Even Teruko was leaning her face on her hand, poking at her cereal lifeless.

Our eHandbooks simultaneously buzzed to life.

"Oh, the ratings! This should help everyone get their spirits up."

"Easy for you to say. People actually like you." Mei snipped. I decided to check them.

"I'm tied with Hideto?" Ryuji scoffed

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"I'm tied with Hideto?" Ryuji scoffed. "That guy's an asshole."

"Look, Ryu, we're both in the bottom five." Hiroyuki pointed out. So they're both calling each other nicknames now?

I didn't have time to worry about that once I realised. I was first.

"Congrats, Nycas!" Kotomi said, suddenly behind me. I jumped slightly. Maybe Hannah wasn't being paranoid.

"Why am I first...? Is there any way to see who voted me what level?" I asked.

"Don't complain about it, dude." Hannah said, mouth full. "At least people like you now." She didn't consider that I didn't care if people liked me or not.

Mei sighed. "Last, huh? Better start writing my will."

"Eiken was high up last time, and he was killed." Inaya pointed out, attempting to up her spirits, but she ended up reminding everyone of yesterday's events.

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