Chapter Five // Codename Altair // Daily Life

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Disoriented, I sat up in bed. I was on top of the covers, but still fully clothed. My door was still wide open.

The traitor had crossed paths with me last night, having forgotten I would be there with my door open. Or on the more creepy side, they knew exactly who would be there. Maybe they wanted to freak me out.

Either way, I was alive.

The next decision I had to make was weather or not to tell everyone about my experience. I thought that it would probably make things way more complicated, so I decided to keep it to myself for now.

I peeked my head into Ryuji's bedroom, and he was still laying in a ball on the bed, very much awake.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

I heard his heavy breath, but he didn't reply to me. I chose not to push further, and I closed the door behind myself.

Into the cafeteria I went, bringing the bad news of Ryuji not having slept.

"Well...Yukie isn't here." Kotomi said. "That's a plus."

I looked out on the group, the four of them sitting in twos across the room from each other.

You'd think that Inaya saving Hannah's life would push them a little closer together, but clearly not.

"Awesome. So we have no idea where the maniac with a gun is." Hannah sighed. "Great. She's probably-" She turned her head up to the monitor, which was buzzing with static.

" this thing on?" Yukie said, messing with a camera before slinking back to her seat. "Okay, so If it's on, I should be reaching you guys. Even though you're probably all in the cafeteria. Anyways! Good news, I have managed to hijack the announcement system."

"Great. We get to listen to her all the time." Hannah said sarcastically, slamming her fork down.

"So...I've been doing some research and I have come to some conclusions about the traitor." Yukie said on the monitor. "The conclusion is that I have no idea who they are. So I've decided to just kill the next person I see."

Nobody knew what to say. "She's bluffing, right?" Atsuji said. "She wouldn't."

"No way to be sure." said Hannah.

"I'm on the top floor, come say hi! Maybe we can play a game!" She pointed the gun at the camera, and pretended to shoot it, before laughing. The broadcast cut off, before being interrupted by another. Yukie placed a small radio on the chair, and began to play music. Old ballroom stuff.

She left the radio there and let it play. We expected it to end eventually, but it kept going.


"This fucking music!!" Hannah screamed, stomping her foot.

"It isn't that bad!" Argued Kotomi. "It could be worse!"

"It could be better!" Atsuji shouted.

"Is it getting louder?" Inaya asked, covering her ears.

"I think so." I said. Hannah scowled.

"Let's go check on Atsuji." She sighed, grabbing my arm and pulling me from the room.

She stomped up the stairs, seething with anger at the music. I watched as she walked right past Atsuji's room. "Uh, where are you going?" I asked.

"Uh, to beat the shit out of Yukie?" She replied.

"You can't do that!" I said.

"Watch me."

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