Chapter Three // 300 Million meters per second // Daily Life

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A/N: I have a hard time writing free time events and choosing which characters to
do. Which characters would you like to see?

In the cafeteria that morning, I found myself instinctively sitting with Hannah and Atsuji, something I had never done before.

Prior to that, I would always sit on my own and be approached by someone, but that morning, after I got my food, I sat across from Atsuji and next to Hannah.

"Morning, Nycas." Hannah said. "How'd you sleep?"

I didn't reply, too busy thinking about what the mysterious girl said to me before I slept.

"Charming as always." She commented, crossing her arms.

Atsuji took a bite of a protein breakfast bar and sighed. "When is this whole Teruko thing gonna blow over..."

"When the bitch dies." Yukie coldly said, overhearing our conversation.

"Hey!" Hiroyuki scolded, walking out of the kitchen with a tray of food. "That's so mean!"

"Where are you going with that...?" Ryuji asked. "Not that I care what you're doing." He was still desperately attempting to make it seem like he didn't care about Hiroyuki.

"I'm taking this to Teruko since she's too scared to come in here thanks to nobody in particular, ahem, YUKIE."

Yukie shrugged. "Not my fault she killed Mei."

"But Monoissei and Monomeiko said she wasn't the culprit...can't we just let it go?" Haruto suggested, earning a sneer from Yukie.

"I'm gonna take this tray now." Hiroyuki finished, narrowing his eyebrows at her.

"Fine by me. But if someone was to take a leaf outta her book and poison it..." She said flippantly. "I'd overlook that."

Hiroyuki groaned and stomped from the room.

"He's wearing his contacts and makeup again." I observed, pointing it out to Atsuji and Hannah.

"Hm. Trust you to notice that." Hannah said with a smirk.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, obviously you're gonna notice when your boyfriend changes his look up."

As a response, I lightly punched her arm.

Atsuji raised his eyebrows at that comment. "Nycas...between that and what I saw you and Haruto doing in the kitchen yesterday, plus what Hannah told me about you and Kotomi...just how big is your harem?" So Hannah got him in on the joke. Hilarious.

"Haruto too?!" Hannah laughed uproariously. "I knew it!" Her laughter was joined by Atsuji.

Even though I didn't find it funny, I was relieved to see my closest friends in the game happy. Especially Atsuji after what happened yesterday.

Noticing the commotion, Kotomi nudged Inaya and they both moved over to our table. Of course, Kotomi sat next to me.

"Soo, what's happening with you guys?" She asked.

"We're fine." Hannah said, her face stone cold. "Watch how fast you eat. You might choke." She mumbled the last part.

"A-Anyways, what are you guys planning for today?"

"Nothing much." Atsuji said.

"Us neither. The days are just blending together now..." Inaya lamented.

"Hm..." Kotomi hummed in agreement. "But on the bright side, I think the killing game has come to an end. Unlike before, everyone's showing up to breakfast. That's a good sign, right?"

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