Chapter One // Trailblazer, Stargazer! // Deadly Life

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Eiken Sekiguchi, the Ultimate Beer Maker, was lying dead on the hardwood floor

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Eiken Sekiguchi, the Ultimate Beer Maker, was lying dead on the hardwood floor.

"Okay, you can handle this." Kimika said from behind me. "Just...don't freak out." She lingered.

Almost immediately, Kotomi burst through the curtains.

"What's going on?" She looked at me, then at Eiken, and jumped back in shock, clasping her hands over her mouth.

She was followed by Mayumi. "Oh...Oh no..."

Monoissei and Monomeiko spoke in unison. "Attention, participants! A body has been discovered in the backstage area! Please gather immediately in the auditorium!"

"GYAAAA!" Haruto exclaimed upon seeing the corpse.

Yukie, who only yesterday was telling me about how fantastic the "opportunity" was, had her face fall gravely dark. "This is..."

Ryuji and Hiroyuki stumbled towards the corpse in unison, crying out in shock.

Teruko and Mei were both quietly scanning the area with their eyes.

Sota, for once, was quiet. Everyone was.

"What the hell is happening?" Rika shouted, swinging the auditorium door open.

"What's this about a body?" Atsuji asked, half-caring.

We made parting in the crowd and pulled the curtains back. Everyone who wasn't present for the debate was now aware there was a killer in our midst.

One of us had murdered Eiken.

The lights flickered off and the projector switched on, showing the holograms of Monomeiko and Monoissei.

"Well done!" Monomeiko cheered. "A murder finally happened!"

"And in the sprit of helping everyone find the culprit and continue as a group, we present...the Monokuma File!" Monoissei added.

"Well done?" Yukie scoffed. "What part of this is well?"

"Eiken..." I sighed. "I knew I should've worried when he didn't show up."

"Aaanyways, you guys now have a short period of time before the trial to get to investigating, and trying to find the culprit!" Monomeiko announced.

"You expect us to investigate?" Rika asked in disbelief.

"Eiken is dead!" Kotomi shouted. "Like, he just died! And he was behind us the whole time!!" She shrieked.

"Ewww!!" Teruko flapped her hands.

"Can we really solve this?" Haruto asked. "I mean...the dude is dead and we're just a bunch of idiots, really."

"I am no idiot." Mayumi announced. "I assure you, I will be able to help solve this."

"I'm sure you will..." Inaya sarcastically muttered.

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