Chapter One // Trailblazer, Stargazer! // Daily Life

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'Morning again,' I thought, pulling my blanket off myself and laying down for a few minutes, allowing myself some air.

I was barely able to pull myself up. My brain was wrecked with exhaustion. I hadn't slept for very long, apparently.

Meeting the group for breakfast was becoming more of a pointless chore every day. A few people, namely Atsuji, Rika and Hideto, opted to instead eat on their own in their rooms rather than socialise with the rest, something I could hardly blame them for.

"Okay, so today we're doing the final preparations for the debate." Kotomi announced to the group. "And it's happening tomorrow evening in the auditorium, so don't be late!"

"How will we even know what time it is?" Yukie asked. "Our eHandbooks have been stolen, remember?"

"We'll find you when it's time, then." She smiled.

"So what's the debate even gonna be?" Hiroyuki asked, practically sitting on Ryuji's lap.

"A peaceful, friendly chat between the high ranking and low ranking participants, just to air out any grievances." She smiled. "As the midway points between both groups, Atsuji and Hideto will moderate, although they aren't here right now..." her sentence trailed off near the end.

"No matter! If they don't come to the debate, Eiken and Sota can take their places." She put her hands together. "Can you do that, boys?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess." Eiken reluctantly agreed.

"Absolutely!" Yelled Sota enthusiastically.

"That settles it!" Kotomi finished, returning to her food.

"A debate could certainly help me air out my problems with...certain people." Inaya smiled nervously, earning something from Mayumi only describable as a "kind glare".

"Yes..." Mayumi chuckled through gritted teeth. "Me too."

I didn't want to interfere or make the situation worse, so I excused myself from the table and returned to my room.

That meant I was left with a lot of free time. Who to spend it with was a separate problem. Being on my own was just too boring, but I could hardly bring myself to talk to the others here either. It was a conundrum, to say the least.

Hannah was busy finishing the preparations, so that left me with limited people I could actually stand.

I finally made the decision to spend some time with Atsuji. I felt as if his attitude was similar to mine.

"Hello?" He said, opening his door slightly to see who was there. "Oh. You." He let his guard down.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Not really. I just wanted to speak to someone."

"Oh." He said, face as blank as ever. "Come in, then."

The air was tense. All I could remember was how he reacted when listing his sisters' friends.

"So, what was up with you the other day? When you were talking about your sister's friends." I asked, risking him throwing me out there and then. He immediately looked nervous.

"It's nothing, I just...realised something about a couple of the names." He said.

"Which ones?" I pressed. He looked even more nervous.

"It's probably a coincidence, but...a couple of her friends were called Issei and Meiko." At the mention of the names, it clicked. That's why he was so nervous.

So somehow, Kimika, his sister, Monoissei and Monomeiko are all connected. And if that's true, it means I'm connected to them. Maybe Kimika is real after all.

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