Chapter One // Trailblazer, Stargazer! // Daily Life

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Morning came again. I yawned loudly, and got dressed.

Doing a final quick search for my eHandbook, but finding nothing, I made my way to the cafeteria to greet everyone for breakfast.

"I'm not accusing you of stealing them, I'm just saying it's weird that you're the only one who still has yours!" Hideto was the first person I heard before I was even fully in the door.

"Yeah, well the reason I still have mine is because I kept it on my person the whole time." Hannah retorted the accusation.

"I bet it's one of you guys." Atsuji sneered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ryuji scoffed, standing up from his chair.

"Y'know, the lower half. I bet that one of you got really pissed that nobody likes you."

"I like Ryuji!" Hiroyuki announced, as if there wasn't anyone here who didn't already know that.

"Huh. Good point." Eiken nodded. "And maybe they worked together, and now they're passing around Kotomi, Inaya and Haruto's handbooks to take advantage of the perks they earned!"

"Stop trying to suck up to the popular people just because you're embarrassed that you're only 7th!" Mei laughed.

"That is absolutely not what I'm doing." Eiken scoffed. "What have you got against me?"

"Guysss..." Kotomi said. "Remember, you'll all be able to air your grievances at the debate night in a couple of days."

"Okay, can I suggest a plan?" Haruto asked. "Shouldn't we maybe look around this place for hints as to where we are?"

Inaya nodded. "That's a good idea. How about we do it in pairs, with people from the top half pairing with people in the bottom half! Then, relationships between the two groups will grow better."

Hannah walked towards me as soon as Inaya stopped talking. "I'm with Nycas."

"Um, okay." I said, slightly taken aback at her enthusiasm.

Everyone was sorted into pairs, and Hannah led me out of the cafeteria and straight to the bathroom, which I thought was odd.

She walked ahead of me and straight into the girls' bathroom. After I stood confused outside for a few seconds, she opened the door. "Are you coming or what?" She asked.

"Well...that's the girls' bathroom."

Hannah rolled her eyes. "What does it matter? We're investigating and there's nobody in here. C'mon." She waved me in, and I reluctantly followed.

As soon as the door clicked shut she turned to me. "Kotomi hasn't like...tried to kill you, has she? Or maybe attempted to break into your room or steal your bedsheets?"

"What?!" I yelped. "What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Shh! Why the hell are you shouting?" She hushed me.

"Because you're acting completely insane!" I whispered.

"No, no, I swear. When we were organising yesterday she would not stop talking about you. I think it borders on obsession."

"I think you're maybe being dramatic. Why did we have to talk about this in here?"

"Because I think she might be stalking you." Something about her body language and facial expressions gave me the impression she wasn't being serious.

"Yeah, sure she is." I rolled my eyes and turned to leave, but she grabbed my shoulder. I looked down at her in discontent, and she sighed.

"Sorry, I'm just kinda paranoid and I would really rather if you didn't die." Hannah said, her accent even stronger than usual.

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