Chapter Two // Supernovae and Their Sons // Daily Life

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The morning announcement woke me again and I quickly headed to breakfast. If I was going to be forced to interact with people I may as well get it over with.

Kotomi greeted me as she always did.

I didn't want to entangle myself in pointless chatter, so I sat at my own table.

Kotomi saw this and carried her bowl over. Still smiling widely, she began to speak.

But nothing came out of her mouth. In fact, as I looked around, I noticed that nobody was moving, and the whole room had a staticy glitch effect over it. It was like it was frozen in time.

"Pretty cool, right?" I whipped around to see the same figure in the dress.

"Stop it. Who are you?" I asked her.

"Don't worry about that. Don't worry about these guys, either. I didn't actually freeze time, I just altered your perception of it." She strolled around and stopped at Atsuji, who had uncharacteristically turned up for breakfast. "This is Haruhi's brother? Hm..I have plans for him."

"What do you mean, plans?"

"Well, I'm pretty powerless right now. I can only sporadically talk to you...but when I get all my authority back, we'll have a good time." She paused, and tilted her head. "You really don't remember me? Tell me you remember Kot-" She seemingly blipped out of existence, quickly replaced by Kimika.

"I'm sorry she keeps doing that." Kimika exhaustedly apologised. It felt like I was less my own person and more a vessel for these two to argue.

"So, how did you sleep?" Kotomi asked as the world returned to normal.

"Um...fine." I replied, empty-headed.

"Hm..." She narrowed her eyes at me.

I looked around to see who had shown up. Everyone apart from Hideto.

Ryuji was feeding Hiroyuki yogurt and fruit. In a killing game. How romantic.

Haruto yawned loudly. "Gah, I'm so tired..."

"I haven't had a full night of sleep since coming here." Teruko complained, prompting sympathetic nodding and agreement from the rest of the group.

Hannah came over to my table.

"Morning, Nycas." She said, completely ignoring Kotomi.

Kotomi, annoyed at this, cut her off. "Everyone seems happy today, don't they?"

"Erm, aye." Hannah brushed her off. "Nycas, a word?" She gestured for me to follow her.

I did as she asked and followed her out of the cafeteria. "It's Kotomi. She is obsessed with you, and it's creepy. All she did all morning before you got here was talk about you."

"I have my own problems to deal with, I don't care if she likes me or not." I replied.

"Just watch your back." She looked around cautiously.

"You sound paranoid." I dismissed her.

"Nah, she's proper in love wi' you an' that." As her nerves increased, so did her accent.

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