Chapter Two // Supernovae and Their Sons // Class Trial

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Monoissei: Alright, let's begin with a simple explanation of the class trial.

Monomeiko: So, at the end of the trial, your votes will determine the results.

Monoissei: If the person who receives the most votes is the true culprit, the blackened, they will be punished.

Monomeiko: BUTTT, if the person who receives the most votes is NOT the true culprit, or spotless, everyone else gets punished, and the blackened is allowed to leave.

Monoissei: Okay, let's do this! I think we should start with...

Monomeiko: I know, I know! The first subject of discussion should be-

Nycas: Just shut up.

Atsuji Minami: What do we talk about first?

Teruko Kamisaka: Well, we started with the weapon last time, didn't we?

Hideto Goto: But from my understanding there isn't a weapon this time..

Sota Hayashi: Where even were you during the investigation?

Hideto Goto: I went back to my room. It's not like I care about how this trial goes.

Ryuji Takase: So...what do we do?

Inaya Saeed: I suppose we don't specifically know the cause of death..we could start there.

Hiroyuki Yamasaki: Isn't it choking?

Inaya Saeed: Yes, but technically we don't know what caused the choking.

So we're starting with a debate about the cause of death. I think I can handle that.


Inaya Saeed: It's possible that the culprit choked her to death by hand...

Inaya Saeed: But is there proof of that..?

Haruto Kawabe: The scratches on her neck! They prove that someone strangled her!

Yukie Bando: That's a possibility, but...

Yukie Bando: Why was her mouth bleeding?

Hiroyuki Yamasaki: That proves it!! Mei was strangled to death!

Haruto found a bit of evidence, and drew the wrong conclusion. I need to correct him.

Monokuma File <
Mei's Room Key
Scratched Door
Smashed Lamp
Hannah's Account
Dying Message
Mystery Powder
Inaya's Account
Missing Antidotes
Teruko's Account
Drugged Mayumi
Empty Bottles

Inaya Saeed: It's possible that the culprit choked her to death by hand...

Inaya Saeed: But is there proof of that..?

Haruto Kawabe: The scratches on her neck-

Haruto Kawabe: The scratches on her neck-

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