Chapter Four // Galactic Century Trapped With You // Daily Life

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I jolted awake and recognised the room I was in as the medical bay.

I took in my surroundings, looking around and realising I was lying in the bed, still wearing the clothes Hiroyuki had put me in.

I then remembered the conversation with Kotomi, and the searing pain that overtook my senses.

The lights flicked off, and I heard a scream of anger and frustration, calling for Yukie to "cut that shit out". The lights came back on, and Hannah walked in, surprised to see me awake.

"Oh, you're awake." She observed.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"You passed out at, like, midday yesterday and the morning announcement just played like twenty minutes ago. When everyone found you in the cafeteria Kotomi was seriously freaked out and said you fell to the floor screaming. What the hell happened?"

"I dunno, I just...felt like I was on fire all of a sudden."

"Alright. In other news, Yukie got her last place perk." She rolled her eyes

"Which is...?" The lights in the room turned off again.

"For fuck's sake..." Hannah grumbled, waiting for the lights to come back on. "It's a small device she can use to turn off the lights on one floor at a time. It's so fucking annoying."

"Have you guys been given a motive yet?" I asked. She nodded. 

"To cut it short, one person is randomly selected every morning to have access to a secret tunnel system. They don't have to tell everyone, but they can if they want to. Today it's-"

"Hello!" Yukie said, suddenly appearing in the corner of the room. Hannah sighed and gestured over to her. "Aww, don't be mad you didn't get it. I won't get it tomorrow, since you can't have it two days in a row."

"I don't want it, I just want you to stop having it. You came into my room while I was changing!"

I shuddered to think what could happen if Ryuji got ahold of that power.

Speaking of Ryuji, him and Saki had obviously visited me in the medical bay. There was a small get well soon card on the bedside table which was signed by everyone, although it was clear that Hiroyuki had designed the card and signed it on some people's behalf's, notably Inaya. There was also a small device with a note attached.

"For when you get better - Saki and Ryuji" and  a doodle of a winking face and a heart. I picked it up to inspect it, before realising that it was probably the device Haruto made for them.

When I realised that, I didn't hesitate to throw it across the room and wipe my hands down on the sheets. Hannah winced with disgust then noted Yukie's disappearance.

"That aside, how are you feeling?" She asked.

"Fine." I said. "I feel fine. No pain, nothing. It's kinda weird, actually."

"Maybe it wasn't actual pain, but phantom pain?" Hannah suggested, strolling around to the front of the bed and picking up the patient sheet, reading through it.

"Phantom pain?"

"Yeah. Actually, before Mei died, she told me that your amnesia is a strange case. I mean, you forgot literally everything with no other side effects, brain damage, anything. If your amnesia is artificial, your pain could be too."

"Huh? Are you accusing me of faking?"

Hannah rolled her eyes. "No, dumbass. I'm just saying that maybe your amnesia and pain were caused by...unnatural...things..." She slowed down, focusing in on the sheet in her hand.

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