Chapter Five // Codename Altair // Deadly Life

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A/N: Sorry about how long this took considering the length, but this case is a little more straightforward than the others. There's a little "surprise" in store for the trial.

Plus, all new parts from now one will have a couple surprises at the end, unrelated to the content of the part.

In the room, I saw the body of Yukie Bando, the Ultimate Resin Artist. Upon first glance, I immediately knew she had been dead for a while.

Her skin was greying, and the blood behind her had dried out

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Her skin was greying, and the blood behind her had dried out.

I stood frozen, until Inaya, Hannah, and Kotomi stumbled into the room.

Naturally, the body discovery followed for the only two people who didn't know, wherever they were.

"Eek!" Kotomi shouted, jumping back in surprise.

"Oh, well, that's a relief." Hannah rubbed her forehead. "Honestly, whoever did this, props to you because I was not able to handle another 5 seconds of the music." She crouched down and flicked off the music.

"I agree, she was dangerous, but maybe this was too far. Now we have to find the person who did this, and they'll die too." Inaya said.

"Inaya, come with me. We should find Ryuji and Atsuji." Said Kotomi, ushering Inaya from the room and leaving Hannah and I.

I noticed that Hannah was eyeing me weirdly, her eyes drifting between the gun on the floor and me.

"What, you think I did it?" I said.

"Hey, I'm being impartial." She said, a little on edge.

"I was on the other side of the door from you when the gun went off." I reminded her.

"Hm. I guess." She calmed down a little.

"We found them!" Inaya announced, guiding Atsuji into the room.

"Ah, Ryuji, it's understandable if you want to wait outside. I know how hard it may be for you to come in here." Said Kotomi to Ryuji.

He clenched his fists and took an uneasy step into the concrete room. "Oh, I see." He said, looking at the body.

"We don't need to pretend to be sad, y'know?" Said Atsuji. "She was an asshole."

Monomeiko and Monoissei appeared again on the monitors. "Ah, I'm so glad we were able to regain control of the announcement system! It's good the preparatory is already dead!" Monomeiko lamented.

"And now, the long awaited Monokuma File!"

"And now, the long awaited Monokuma File!"

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