Chapter Six // Entropy, Elementarily // Class Trial // Part Two

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Ryuji Takase: ...

Ryuji Takase: Explain.

Chikako Arai: Okie-dokie!

Chikako Arai: I did what you wanted. I overrode the 6-trial protocol!

Hannah Campbell: Let's go, then.

Chikako Arai: And I replaced it with my own!!

Kimika Takahashi: Of course you did...

Chikako Arai: Now, I'll let my lovely assistant take it from here..

Haruhi Minami: The new protocol is named the Execution Tradeoff! All the AI, excluding Saki, myself, and Chikako, are included in this vote!

Kimika Takahashi: What are the terms of this vote..?

Haruhi Minami: Y'all have two choices, ya hear?

Haruhi Minami: Stay and leave.

Hannah Campbell: We choose leave, obviously.

Haruhi Minami: I'm not finished!

Haruhi Minami: So, choosing leave will result in three things.

Haruhi Minami: The killing game will end, all the AI in this courtroom will be deleted, and the five physical people, Inaya, Hannah, Ryuji, Atsuji and Fuyuko, will be allowed to leave the compound.

Haruhi Minami: However, if you choose to stay...

Haruhi Minami: The 5 of you will have your physical bodies killed and you will be uploaded to this database.

Haruhi Minami: Using your memories, we can create accurate recreations of your dead friends. If you'd like, you could even wipe your memories of knowing it's a simulation. Then you could spend as long as you'd like with them, and also your AI friends over here...

Haruhi Minami: Including Saki and Myself.

Haruhi Minami: So, you can either vote to leave and all just be really sad and depressed...

Chikako Arai: Orrrr you can vote to enter the simulation!

Hannah Campbell: And why in fresh hell would we want to do that?

Chikako Arai: Like I said, all of your friends will be there!

Haruhi Minami: And I'll be there too, little bro!

Atsuji Minami: Little...bro?

Atsuji Minami: I...

Fuyuko Shirota: Kimika will be deleted..? No..

Fuyuko Shirota: I won't let that happen!!

Issei: I don't wanna die...I only just came to life...

Meiko: Me neither...*sniff*

Inaya Saeed: With our friends forever? That doesn't sound too bad..

Ryuji Takase: Saki...

AI Hiroyuki: Hey, Ryuji!

AI Hiroyuki: What's up? Why are we in the courtroom?

Ryuji Takase: ...

Chikako Arai: It really is Hiroyuki, with all his memories up until his death!

Chikako Arai: This is what you get if you join us, Ryuji.

Chikako Arai: So, even one vote in our favour is considered a choice on behalf of the whole group.

Hannah Campbell: Bullshit! This is bullshit!

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