Chapter Four // Galactic Century Trapped With You // Class Trial

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Finally, the trial is here! Sorry it took so long, but first...

Finally, the trial is here! Sorry it took so long, but first

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Yes, Ryuji and Saki are holding hands.

Happy pride, everyone! These are all the confirmed LGBT+ characters in these stories (at least the ones i can remember, i'm not great at taking care of my kids), although feel free to interpret the others as however you would like to!

If you have any questions about the sexualities/identities of anyone, confirmed or not, you can ask and I will answer!

Also, the reason Saki has the rainbow flag rather than the Bi flag as was stated in his Extended Student Profile, is because he prefers to be unlabelled.

Know as always that whoever you are, you're accepted here! As a gay man myself I will not tolerate any forms of hate, violence or the like on my stories, so if you're like that, please leave immediately. I want this horribly violent killing game to be positive, damnit!

p.s. kotomi advocates for straight pride /j

Now, enjoy the trial (and I'm sorry it took so long. i finished it in a bit of a rush so let me know if there are any parts where they suddenly jump from one conversation to the next)

Monomeiko: Now then, for everyone just tuning in, let's begin with a simple explanation of the class trial!

Monoissei: In short, your votes decide the results!

Monomeiko: If the person who receives the most votes is the culprit, only they will be punished!

Monoissei: But...if you...pick...the....wrong......p....e....r....s......onnnnnnnnn....

Monomeiko: Huh? You okay, Monoissei?

Monoissei: I'm fine...just kinda tired...

Monomeiko: Okay, let's spice up the game!

Monoissei: A big revelation, perhaps?!

Monomeiko: No, no! That comes in the next trial! This one is kind of a...filler trial, if you will.

Ryuji Takase: ...Filler?

Atsuji Minami: How can you say that?

Nycas: Because they're trying to get into your head. Ignore them, Ryuji.

Hannah Campbell: Alright. So usually we start with the weapon, don't we? Can't really do that this time...

Inaya Saeed: Considering we don't even know the cause of death for sure...I'm inclined to agree with you, Hannah.

Hannah Campbell: First time for everything.

Sota Hayashi: Hmm...what could it be?


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