Chapter One // Trailblazer, Stargazer! // Daily Life

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That morning was a strange one. The passage of time seemed to speed up with no signs of slowing.

I was one of the first people there.

"Nycas!" Kotomi smiled, walking towards me.

"Hey..." I greeted her and looked around.

Inaya, Hiroyuki, Ryuji, Kotomi and Myself were the only people there.

We waited for other people to join, and most did, apart from Hideto, Atsuji and Rika.

"Is everyone excited for the debate?" Kotomi asked cheerily.

"Not particularly." Hannah grumbled, poking her spoon around in her cereal. Kotomi was taken by surprise.

"Why not?" She asked, almost offended.

"I dunno." She shrugged. "Just...not feeling great today.

"Well, what's wrong then?"

Hannah looked around awkwardly. "Um...I don't wanna say in front of everyone..."

"Oh! Of course not!" She laughed. "Um..." She expressed visible discomfort.

"So, Atsuji and Hideto didn't show up. I'm assuming that means they won't be at the debate, so Eiken and Sota, will you guys take their place?"

"Gladly." Sota smiled.

"Better than doing a debate. I really couldn't be bothered with that anyways." Yukie smirked, finishing her food. "See ya."

We all finished our food and split up until the debate began. I returned to my room. I decided I was gonna find the missing eHandbooks.

I left my room and ran into Hannah, who was walking towards me anyways.

"Hi. I was just coming to see you." She said quickly.

"And what were you coming to see me about?"

"Follow me." She grabbed my arm so hard I was sure she was gonna leave a bruise and I exclaimed in pain. "Stop being a wuss." Sjw sneered.

She led me back into the girls' bathroom on the first floor.

"Why here again? Of all the places..." I sighed.

"Look." She showed me one of the mirrors above the sink. It was shattered into many shards of glass which were gathered in the sink below it. All I could think about was the damage the glass would cause to the ceramic. Why was that my only concern?

"And I've been trying to, y'know, put it back together but I keep getting these fuckin' cuts all over my fingers." She showed me her hands which were covered in bandaids.

"And why are you bothering to do that?" I asked her. She sighed.

"Well, I just feel like there aren't enough pieces to make a full mirror." She sighed in exasperation. "But I can't confirm it until I make the rest of the mirror. I'm trying to tape it together."

"Who would take a shard of glass?"

"I dunno, to KILL SOMEONE?"

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