Chapter Six // Entropy, Elementarily // Class Trial // Part One

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"...have we got a live feed from inside the place?"

"No, it cut out after last night. The livestream ceased around 4am."

" what should I expect?"

"You're going in alone, so you'll have to watch your back for security measures. Just go down to the bottom and take the elevator down to the trial grounds, activate the EMP and get the survivors out."

"Got it. See you on the other side."

"Good luck."


This trial will be told from Hannah's POV, as Nycas is the victim.

This is a two-parter. You'll see why by the end of the part. Plus, the next part may take a while, and this one has basically been finished since the beginning. I wouldn't want what is basically a finished trial to sit around for a while gathering dust.

Monomeiko: I'm assuming we don't have to go over the rules again, yeah?

Ryuji Takase: I'm are you guys still here?

Monomeiko: Why shouldn't we be?

Ryuji Takase: Cause...Nycas is dead? Didn't you live in his head like that lady on the screen last night-

Monoissei: Silence, wretch!! Stop talking at once!!

Ryuji Takase: Uh. Okay.

Monomeiko: Y'know, we know about as much as you guys do in this case...

Monomeiko: What say we join the fun?

Monomeiko: I'm Monomeiko, but you can just call me Meiko from now on!

Monoissei: Yes! No more being on the sidelines! I'm Monoissei, but just call me Issei.

Hannah Campbell: What..? Just shut up and let us solve this!

Atsuji Minami: Hold on..they said they know just as much as us. What does that mean?

Issei: It's a little hard to explain, but we're sorta in the dark about this case...

Meiko: Last night, we experienced some serious technical difficulties. We can't access a lot of the cameras in the compound and our surveillance data starting from last night has been completely wiped..

Truth Bullet Added - Meiko's Account

Meiko: Ahh! I'm helping!!

Issei: You're doing great, Meiko!

Ryuji Takase: ...

Ryuji Takase: Anyways, what should we discuss first?

Atsuji Minami: Alibis, right?

Atsuji Minami: But..the crime happened at night, didn't it? So we all don't have alibis.

Inaya Saeed: We all checked on him individually just before nighttime last night, then he was dead this morning.

Inaya Saeed: Yeah, it definitely happened while we slept.

Ryuji Takase: Who was the last to see him yesterday?

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