Chapter Four // Galactic Century Trapped With You // Daily Life

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Sorry this is relatively short for the start of a chapter, I just wanted to get it out! It's also my birthday today!

Sorry this is relatively short for the start of a chapter, I just wanted to get it out! It's also my birthday today!

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That morning when I woke up, I realised that I had not submitted my ranking the night before. I had actually woken up slightly before the morning announcement, so I still had some time to do it.

Uncaring about the result, I changed a couple of rankings but it remained mostly unchanged.

Happy with my choices, although slightly concerned that we now only filled a single column, I left to the cafeteria to see how everyone was holding up

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Happy with my choices, although slightly concerned that we now only filled a single column, I left to the cafeteria to see how everyone was holding up. When I did, I was met by a very strange sight.

Everyone was crowded around a circular table in the center of the room. I approached the group and tapped Hannah on the shoulder to grab her attention.

She turned around. "Look." She said in disgust.

Past her, I saw an arrangement.

All the plushies of the dead participants had been arranged in the way they had been killed.

Eiken was impaled through the stomach with a shard of glass while Rika had her head ripped off, stuffing spewing everywhere. Mei had cake icing smeared around her face. She was placed next to Hideto, whose head was crushed by a plate supposed to represent the coin.

Mayumi, Teruko and Haruto's plushies had been brought (supposedly from a new area), and placed in predictable ways.

Mayumi was also stabbed like Eiken, instead with a kitchen knife. Teruko had actually been suspended from the roof with string and Hideto was charred and placed next to a taser.

"Right. Who did it?" Kotomi demanded. Nobody owned up.

"I don't think they would just come forward..." Inaya said.

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