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It was lunchtime when Finn stopped by the offices to see Ailbhe. She had been working on the calendar, trying to fit everything in and organise meetings to suit Tommy's schedule when Finn appeared in front of her desk.

He knew she would probably lose track of time, especially when Lizzie and Tommy weren't in the office to remind her of the time. Tommy had taken the day off after his wedding, a promise Ailbhe was sure Grace was behind. Whereas Lizzie was still not speaking to the brothers, especially Michael after her man's restaurant was burnt down the night before Tommy's wedding. Ailbhe knew Lizzie was furious but it seemed to have started to spiral out of control, meaning John was getting involved and agitating the whole situation. Ailbhe just hoped it would be stopped soon, they had enough to deal with since the Russian business had started.

Finn dropped a sandwich Polly had made onto the table in front of Ailbhe, helping himself to a cup of tea from the pot beside her. She looked up and smiled at him, grateful for his thoughtfulness.

"You the only one here?" He asked, watching her stand up and stretch, she had been sitting in the same spot for too long. It had been unusually quiet when he came in.

Ailbhe shook her head, stretching her hands up above her head and closing her eyes before answering

"John and Esme are here somewhere I think"

She was sick of sitting in her chair and took a seat on top of the desk instead, her feet dangling over a foot off the ground as she gestured for Finn to take her seat instead. They were alone for the first time since they had kissed and neither of them could get it out of their heads. It might have been the elephant in the room but they seemed intent on speaking about anything else. He took the seat and threw his cap down onto the desk, drawing Ailbhe's attention.

"I'll sew it now, I'm not doing anything important" she piped up, putting down the sandwich and swapping it for the cap. Lizzie had done a terrible job and before long Finn's blades would fall off, leaving him with just an ordinary hat.

Finn sat and watched, telling her about the upcoming races as she worked, threading a needle and sewing the blades carefully onto the hat. She worked and listened, offering advice and comments as he talked, her interruptions were frequent and expected. Finn liked how she cut across him, how she nodded and looked him in the eye when he needed reassurance and how she smiled while he talked, like she didn't want to be anywhere else.

"What did Tommy say to you, at the house?" He asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. He had been wondering ever since he saw their hushed whispers and how Ailbhe had sat in the car completely silent all the way back to Small Heath.

Ailbhe's hands paused with her work, the needle balancing on her fingers effortlessly. She didn't look up at him but paused and stared ahead for a moment before meeting his gaze.

"He told me I wasn't to go to any more meetings... that if I knew what was good for me, I'd give up on Ireland" She responded, her voice low and disappointed.

Finn's eyebrows fell low across his eyes, his facial expression growing confused before he blurted out

"I didn't tell him Alv, I didn't give you away you've gotta believe me"

Reaching her hand out and touching his arm she nodded, shushing him

"I know Finn I know, he told me. I think he had someone watching the meeting who recognised me or else he had someone watching me..."

Finn immediately relaxed again. He hadn't betrayed her trust and he didn't want her to think he could. The instant her hand touched his arm he was brought back to the night in the library, where her hands ran up his chest and wrapped around his neck, holding onto him and pulling him closer up against her.

Crown of a Prince (Finn Shelby)Where stories live. Discover now