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Ailbhe woke up the next morning in Polly's house. They had eaten in the old house, whatever Ailbhe and Polly could find. And the boys had drank to wet John's new baby's head. He had come back with Finn and Arthur, their heads in a mess knowing they had sent men to meet their maker that night. John came back to see Charlie, to see him alive and know it was worth it. He ran straight home then to meet his son. Arthur drank most of a bottle of whiskey, refusing to eat any food that Ailbhe and Polly set in front of him. Finn was quiet, he was glad Charlie was safe but it had been a rough and tiring day for everyone.

When Tommy came to get Charlie, knowing finally that the business was almost done he barely even seemed relieved. Ailbhe felt like Tommy had more to worry about but he wouldn't share that burden, not now he didn't want to share anything.

It was late when they went to bed, Polly coming in and sitting on the end of Ailbhe's bed as she settled in. It felt like when she was little and Polly would tuck her in at night, the nights when Ailbhe's mother couldn't be calmed and the boys didn't want Ailbhe to hear her. They had done their best to protect her from it but it got to the stage where she couldn't be shielded anymore.

Polly smiled at her, running her hand down her face and sighed

"You look so like her sometimes"

Ailbhe knew she was talking about her daughter. Polly always said that Ailbhe reminded her of Anna. With her dark hair and her tenacity, her fierceness and even her temper.

"I wanted to protect him" she sighed, her eyes looking so tired "I wanted to protect him from all of this..."

Polly had wanted to keep Michael out of the illegal stuff. She always had, it was part of her deal when she let Michael into the company. But Ailbhe knew that would never work. She saw it in him, in all of the men. Once they got that taste for blood, that lust for the power you could feel in your hands, she knew it was more addictive than snow or booze or any of the other stuff they took.

"You can't stop them from wanting it Pol" Ailbhe replied, her voice soft and quiet as tiredness started to overcome her.

She knew this because she couldn't stop Finn either. No matter how kind and gentle Finn was in his heart, there was a part of him that craved power, dominance and the rush that they got in a fight. They were adrenaline addicts, always chasing that feeling. And she would have to make peace with that if she wanted Finn in her life. She saw how Linda tried to change Arthur, tried to convince him he didn't need it. But she was wrong, he did need it.

"I know sweetheart..." Polly sighed, tucking the blanket up around Ailbhe, the girl who had been like a child to her.

"I just wish we could" she whispered into the dark knowing Ailbhe couldn't hear her, knowing she had already slipped into sleep.


Despite being exhausted, Ailbhe found herself waking extremely early. She rolled over, checking the time. It was only just gone past eight o clock and they wouldn't be leaving for a while anyway. They had a family meeting at ten o clock but they had loads of time until then. Ailbhe was still exhausted, she had slept like the dead but she needed more than the five hours she got.

She tossed and turned, hoping to fall back asleep but couldn't. She was now cold in her bed, wishing she could warm up when an idea came into her mind. Slipping into the robe that hung on the back of the door she crept silently down the hallway, into the bedroom next to hers. She dropped the robe to the floor, lifting the covers and climbing in beside him.

Crown of a Prince (Finn Shelby)Where stories live. Discover now