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Ailbhe looked tired the next morning in the dull morning light in Charlie’s Yard. She had arrived a few minutes after Thomas who stood by the canal, waiting for the first signs of the boat. To anyone who didn’t know her very well, she looked the same as always. Her make-up was perfect, long dark eyelashes and painted dark lips, she was dressed impeccably as per usual and the way she stood looked as though she was ready for just about anything. But Tommy knew her well enough to see the tiredness in her eyes and the worry.
“You alright?” He asked her, offering her a cigarette while one balanced in his lips.
She sighed, taking it, glad of something to busy her nervous hands. He lit for her, watching her carefully as she nodded.
“I’m fine”
Tommy’s eyes stayed on her.
“You don’t look fine”
She didn’t, to him anyway.
But she brought her eyes back to his and glared sarcastically.
“Then stop looking” she sniped.
Tommy almost laughed. She had an answer for everything.
She was likely just worried about Finn and her brothers, about Mosley and his threats, about their plan to take him down once and for all. He couldn’t blame her for that. He was nervous too.
From the phone call from Arthur they knew that Titanics had been waiting for them in Chinatown but thankfully, the Shelby and Kennedy brood made short work of lighting a fire under their asses as Arthur so eloquently put it.
“How’s Barney?” She asked, knowing that Tommy had spent his evening in the psychiatric facility where he was held.
Barney was going to be their sniper, the only man they could think of to be able to kill Mosley with one bullet, without a shadow of a doubt. Finn had put himself forward for the task of course, along with the queue of others who would love to pull the trigger including Liam, Niall, Aberama, Isiah and even Jeremiah. But Tommy knew that if any of them were caught, it would be linked back to Tommy and his family would pay the price.
That price being Ailbhe at the end of a rope and the others mysteriously killed in car bombings, anonymous shootings and supposed muggings that went wrong and ended up with a knife in their throats. Mosley would be sure to make them pay, every single one of them until Tommy was left without a single person in his corner.
“You’ve seen his letters…” Tommy replied, looking away from her.
Niall and Liam still wrote to him, as did Arthur who got Tommy to sign his name. Barney was like Danny Whizzbang. He never really came back from France. But nobody was there to look after Barney and his psychosis got worse and worse until Barney couldn’t be trusted to even be alone without hurting himself. Ailbhe still remembered the day he was taken away, promised by the boys that it was for his own good and that he’d get better soon but Ailbhe saw their faces. They didn’t even believe the words themselves.
The boys went to the pub that night and didn’t come back for four days. When they came back, they went back to their lives and back to work. Nobody mentioned Barney for months, ignoring Ailbhe’s questions and requests to know how he was. Liam and Arthur started writing to him, sending him newspaper clippings of their horses and even photos sometimes but Ailbhe hadn’t seen him since she was ten years old, a lot had changed.
Approaching footsteps let Ailbhe and Tommy know they weren’t alone anymore. The smell of smoke and a strong cologne wafted over towards them as Jimmy McCavern joined them on the side of the canal where they stood in the fresh, morning air that stank like Small Heath.
“They called from the Black Boy in Knowle. They’ll be here any minute” Tommy informed him, having heard from Arthur not long before.
Ailbhe knew Tommy hadn’t slept much either by the look of him. He had probably lay down for an hour or two, forced by Lizzie to at least try and sleep. Sometimes, just lying there and reminding himself that she was there beside him and that his family was safe in his house was as good of a night’s rest as he would get.
Ailbhe hadn’t slept much either. The empty house felt tense and uncomfortable to her so after delivering more food and milk to Jade, she went to the old Shelby house on Watery Lane, sitting up on Finn’s bed. She had work to do, planning the break out of a psychiatric patient was new for her but she would still do it. Pathetic or not, she didn’t care anymore. She needed some sleep and surrounded by his things and his smell, she managed it after hours of working and eventually falling asleep for less than two hours in his bed.
“I hear you agreed to give up the North” McCavern piped up, having heard the good news from Mosley.
Ailbhe didn’t have to look at him to know he had a smug smile on his face.
“What does the little lady have to say about that?” He taunted, leaning closer to Ailbhe despite Tommy standing between them.
Ailbhe took another pull from the cigarette, smiling as she replied
“A gesture of good will for a new relationship, Mr McCavern”
If she had to act like their friend, she might as well put some effort into the performance.
“I hear there needs to be some certainty in the South” Tommy spoke up, his eyes drawn to the dark waters of the cut. Ailbhe just hoped he wasn’t seeing anyone under that water like Grace or even John.
“Some of my people were attacked by members of the Titanic. They’ve heard about the cargo”
Arthur had phoned them and told them what had happened, that Titanics were trying to steal the cargo before the Peaky Blinders arrived. Titanics were out of Poplar, Irish roots but most of them were only immigrant grandparents or great-grandparents.
“Irish thieving scum” McCavern commented, shaking his head at Ailbhe as if to say it about her.
She narrowed her eyes at him, sick of his face already but she didn’t retaliate, didn’t come back with a cutting remark or a threat. They were supposed to be friends now. And friends didn’t threaten to put a bullet in other friend’s kneecaps.
McCavern sighed, knowing Ailbhe wasn’t going to snap back. So, he moved on.
“Mr Mosley is open to suggestions regarding who he can rely on to offer him support in London. We know Liam Kennedy is your representative in London but Mr Mosley hopes to bring some new players into the fold”
While Liam had Camden Town in his pocket, Mosley wanted new blood and another figurehead to add to his collection. He couldn’t be seen making public alliances with the son of an Irish rebel. Of course, there was only one man who Tommy had ever gone toe-to-toe with and respected in London.
“Well, I would suggest the most competent organiser of men in the south is Alfie Solomons” Tommy stated, not looking at McCavern at all but keeping his eyes low and on the tunnel nearest Ailbhe.
Tommy felt Ailbhe’s eyes on him as McCavern laughed. He immediately regretted bringing up Alfie. Ailbhe was staring at him with those narrow eyes and her brow furrowed, it was her thinking face and if she kept thinking hard enough, she’d figure it out.
“He’s dead” McCavern scoffed. Ailbhe wasn’t so sure anymore.
The quick glance from Tommy let Ailbhe know that she needed to stay quiet. If she was right, Tommy already knew it and he was sure to use it to his advantage at some stage. But she had to keep his secret.
“And he’s Jewish” McCavern added, shaking his head.
Of course, Mosley’s big plans were entirely anti-Semitic.
“And I’d say as far as our boss is concerned, him being dead would be less of an obstacle than him being Jewish” McCavern stated, looking up and down the canal waiting for the arrival.
Ailbhe looked down at the water. She knew it. She knew she was right. Alfie Solomons wasn’t dead, and Tommy knew it too. Of course he did, having been the man who supposedly killed him.
“I think he’ll give London to the Italians. He likes Italians” McCavern continued.
Ailbhe was beginning to get sick of the sound of his voice and yet McCavern seemed like the kind of man who never tired of his own voice. If Mosley gave London to the Italians, it wouldn’t  be long before the Peaky Blinders had to give up more territory to Sabini, more docks and more warehouses until they were pushed all the way  back to Small Heath, back to where they started.
“That’ll mean more concessions on your part but you’re going to have to accept it tinker boy” McCavern added, in case they didn’t know already.
Ailbhe fought the urge to roll her eyes as she clenched her fists that were tightly folded across her chest.
“That’s alright, you’re used to giving up land and surrendering, isn’t that right little lady?”
He taunted, leaning forward so she could see him and his sickening smile. McCavern seemed quite proud of himself for coming up with another clever statement that mocked Ireland’s fight and Ailbhe’s family in one sweep. She looked back towards the tunnel, glad to finally hear something coming.
“I like Wincanton. It’s a grand old racecourse”
Ailbhe could taste blood in her mouth. Meeting people with Tommy was becoming an occupational hazard when it meant she had to bite her tongue to stop herself from losing her shit.
Thankfully, McCavern looked over to where Ailbhe’s eyes were drawn. The boat approaching was almost near them and Ailbhe could believe Arthur’s story, they were all fine. She could see Charlie and Curly at the rear end of the boat, steering. Charlie looked as though he was steering any old boat and Curly probably didn’t know what the cargo was even when he was loading it. Liam and Finn were leaning across and sat up on the cargo, both looking tired, but no one was bleeding and no limbs were lost so it was a success. Ailbhe was the only one to see Finn’s subtle wink as they hopped up and grabbed their guns.
“And that brother of yours who left me a hand grenade” McCavern called out loud enough for them all to hear as he watched Arthur stand, the weapon he clutched visible
“He’d be the first of you tinkers I’d go for if our truce should end and the whistle blew”
Ailbhe knew well that McCavern would love to have a proper one on one fight with Arthur Shelby, many people would. Although, when you fought Arthur Shelby, you almost certainly would have to fight Niall Kennedy too.
“Good, he’s in the mood for a quarrel” Tommy replied, cool as a breeze and knowing McCavern wouldn’t last five minutes.
“I’m only joking” McCavern said quieter now, leaning beyond Tommy and winking at Ailbhe “My first choice would be you, little lady. I’d love to choke the Fenian tinker life out of you and your brothers myself”
She had no doubt he would relish her murder, get great satisfaction from killing Dan Kennedy’s children but he wouldn’t ever get that chance. Not if there was anything in the world Ailbhe could do about it.
Ailbhe noticed how Tommy stepped forward, putting himself between them so McCavern’s sight of her was blocked and Ailbhe felt a wave of affection for her brother, Tommy. Without saying a word, that was his promise to her that McCavern wouldn’t ever put a hand on her.
“We had a brush with Titanics Tom” Arthur bellowed, his voice loud and excited. Arthur had either been playing in the snow or he was so riled up, he couldn’t even stand still.
He jumped off the boat, onto solid ground again.
“Fun night! Got a bit noisy though” He exclaimed, meaning every word of it.
He looped around them, pacing and gripping onto his weapon like a life saver.
“And to think they all said I was mad to bring my dad. Not you, Alv you fucking knew it” Arthur grinned, holding up his gun proudly and waving it about.
He gripped her shoulder, nodding at her as if she had known that TItanics would be there.
Ailbhe had been right to tell them to bring proper guns, they had needed them against the Titanic boys. Whether it was Ailbhe being extra careful or it was just a feeling she got, it was right.
The others hopped off the boat as it pulled to a halt beside where Ailbhe and Tommy had been waiting for them. Liam and Niall nodded at Ailbhe, glad to see that they were all alright and back together again.
“Your dad? Who’s your dad?” McCavern asked Arthur but Ailbhe wished he hadn’t.
Trying to question Arthur when he was like this was pointless.
Arthur swung around, face like pure fury on him and thrust the gun up in front of McCavern.
“This here is my fucking dad” He said through gritted teeth.
Ailbhe turned back towards the boat, nodding at Charlie who looked as he always did. Whether he was moving stolen goods, coal or pure opium he didn’t care. She felt Finn’s hand on her back as he stepped aside, letting Liam hop off the boat onto solid ground too. It was for just a second but she got the feeling it was for Finn’s own sake rather than hers.
“Where’s Aberama and Isiah?” Ailbhe asked them, looking back but not seeing them.
Still toe to toe with McCavern, Arthur replied anyway as he was pulled back a step by Niall. They really didn’t need Arthur putting bullet holes in every inch of McCavern in the middle of Charlie’s Yard.
“They got off at Solihull. Said if they see Billy Boy here, they’ll cut his fucking throat” Arthur replied, still up against McCavern.
Aberama and Isiah weren’t a likely pairing but the idea of cutting open Jimmy McCavern’s throat and watching the life drain out of him seemed too tempting a chance to miss.
“Tell the black and the tinker, they’re welcome to come try at any time” McCavern replied, not looking fazed but Ailbhe saw through it.
McCavern wasn’t a stupid man. He knew that by killing Bonnie Gold he had drawn Aberama Gold on him, and he was a vicious animal when he wanted to me. Now, he had Isiah Jesus on his tail as well and both men would relish the thought of choking the life out of him. McCavern was a little scared and he damn well should be.
“Is it all aboard?” Tommy asked, hoping to pull the conversation away from murdering each other.
“Yeah, it’s all there. We weighed it at the wharf using Cockney scales. I wouldn’t trust ‘em, probably crooked” Arthur stated, backing up from McCavern and leaning down on the barrel of his gun.
“Seven tonnes, Tom” Finn promised him, having seen the weighing scales himself. It was all there.
Tommy nodded, shouting for Curly.
“Put ten sacks of flour on Mr McCavern’s boat” Tommy told him, pointing towards where McCavern’s boat sat.
Curly came towards them, at a run as always. He looked between Ailbhe and Tommy, over his shoulder at McCavern before saying in a whisper
“Tom, I don’t think it’s really flour”
Ailbhe felt herself almost smile. Curly was too honest for his own good sometimes.
“I know Curly, just do as I say” Tommy nodded, patting him on the back.
McCavern looked Ailbhe up and down, as if sizing her up for a fight before turning back to Arthur and Niall who stood behind him keeping a very close eye on him.
“Someday Arthur? You and me?” He asked, knowing that Arthur Shelby hadn’t walked away from a fight yet.
Niall didn’t bother reach out and try and stop him as he went toe to toe with McCavern again, growling like a wild dog.
“Oh Tommy… fascists eh? I fucking hate them” He growled, looking Jimmy up and down “Always have done. But you, you Billy Boy. You’re special. I fucking like you, a man after my own heart”
Ailbhe looked away, checking Niall and Liam for any injuries from a look up and down but she couldn’t see any. They both looked alright, tired and worn out but alright.
Finn seemed fine too. He was tense and pale looking from a night watching over a cargo of opium but he looked fine.
“Someday lads, someday” McCavern mused, looking over Arthur’s shoulder and winking at Ailbhe before turning on his heel and leaving the dog fight with Niall and Arthur for another day apparently.
She felt Finn tense beside her, but the time would come to kill McCavern and his little comments and insinuations would be put a stop to.
Once he was out of the yard and out of earshot, Ailbhe felt them relax.
“You just tell me when, Tom” Arthur stated, putting his hands up and stepping into the circle they were forming.
Ailbhe, Niall, Liam, Finn, Arthur and Liam stood together looking between each other.
“He’ll die without his eyes, eh brother?” Finn laughed dryly, glad that he wasn’t the only one who couldn’t wait for Tommy to give the order to put Jimmy McCavern at the gates of hell.
“That’s the fucking spirit Finn boy” Niall grinned, sick of McCavern too.
Finn pulled out a cigarette, lighting it between his lips and holding it out to Ailbhe. She accepted it for a moment, glad of the warmth before passing it back to him. Even just standing next to her had a calming effect on him. She wasn’t a good little wife to come home to like other lads his age had but that wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted to have Ailbhe to come home to, especially if she had spent the night planning something equal parts brilliant and illegal.
“So, you go to see Barney?” Liam asked, lighting a cigarette of his own.
Barney was his friend and while he still wrote to him and even visited him sometimes in London, he wasn’t really Barney anymore.
Tommy nodded, glad to set his eyes on his brothers again and see they were all alright after their brush with Titanic boys.
“So, Barney Thomason is gonna kill Oswald Mosley?” Arthur clarified, finding it hard to believe it.
“That’s the plan” Ailbhe shrugged, tugging her coat in tighter around her to keep out the cold but she had been standing still for too long and it was starting to seep into her bones.
“While I’m on stage, stood next to him. And then I will take over as leader of the party” Tommy continued, knowing that as plans went it was precarious, but it was the best they had.
“And you and Aberama” Ailbhe nodded towards Arthur “will take care of that son of a bitch, McCavern.”
The venom in her voice even saying her name was enough to make them remember that McCavern was the enemy too.
“I had more complicated strategies in mind for Mr Mosley but then he spoke badly to my wife and threatened Ailbhe’s life and freedom” Tommy admitted in his flat tone that Ailbhe knew masked more emotion than one would ever guess.
The brothers looked around at each other, nodding and agreeing that Mosley would die for his crimes against them, end of story.
“It’s gonna be a busy few weeks, brothers” Tommy added, looking between them before his eyes caught on Ailbhe who hadn’t even bothered to correct him. She didn’t need to.
With that, Tommy turned and disappeared back out of the yard. Niall, Liam and Arthur hopped back down onto the boat to help Charlie and Curly unload.
Finn put his hand on her back, winking at her subtly.
“I’ll see you later, yeah?” He asked, knowing that it wasn’t really a question when he’d no doubt seek her out as soon as he was finished.
She nodded, looking tired too. Once they had unloaded the boat, Finn would need some sleep having been up all-night fighting Titanics and listening to Arthur ramble on about the war and his gun. He just wanted his bed and his girl, but Tommy was right. It was going to be a busy few weeks and they hadn’t signed up to a normal quiet life.
“I’ll meet you at yours, once you’re done here” She promised him.

She checked over Finn's shoulders, seeing that their brothers were busy unloading the boat and that none of them could see her when she stretched up on her toes and kissed him quickly.

"Get outta here" He joked, stepping back from her smiling and even tiredly laughing. She could have sworn Finn Shelby was almost even blushing.

She left them to it, glad that if even for a minute she could wipe that worried and stressed look off his face. That was what she had signed on for after all and she took that role seriously, being Finn's person. But the cloud that hung over him recently, that hung over both of them needed more than just a kiss to clear out the darkness. But if Ailbhe could help, could lighten the load for just a minute, she would.

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