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"What did Tommy say, now he's back?" Ailbhe asked from her seat on top of a hay bale. She had finished work in the office for the day and felt like a walk. She had found herself in Charlie's yard before she knew where she was going.

"You know Tommy, he keeps it to himself" Finn sighed, running his hand along the horse's back before running it down its legs to check for any bumps or bruises.

Nobody knew what to say to Thomas. He was quite volatile ever since he came home, his moods being harder to predict than the weather. One day it seemed like Tommy was back, the next it seemed like Tommy wouldn't ever be back. It was like when the boys first came home from France, Ailbhe remembered it well. Nobody knew what to say, what way to act. Was it better to ignore it and pretend the years hadn't happened? Or was it better to mention it, to keep talking about it until it felt normal?

"Johnny Dogs told me they went to Wales... I'm guessing they went to see that gypsy he's always on about. He thinks the sapphire was cursed Alv, he thinks it was his fault"

Finn admitted, turning to face his best friend who had become something more but he couldn't explain what.

"It wasn't his fault" Ailbhe sighed. Of course, it wasn't his fault. It couldn't be. They lived a dangerous life and they had enemies. All they could do was try protect each other as best they could.

"What about Mrs Changretta?" Ailbhe asked, her head down. Mrs Changretta had taught them all in school, she had made sure Ailbhe learnt how to read and write, how to speak English properly. She had even stopped the nasty names that were thrown around about Ailbhe being Irish.

Finn was quiet as he rubbed the horse's neck. Sighing, he rubbed a hand across his eyes.

"We've to kill her Ailbhe... Tommy's orders"

Ailbhe stayed silent. She thought about all of the other men that Ailbhe knew had been killed by the Peaky Blinders. They were bad men, men who caused pain and harm to the world. Billy Kimber, Sabini's thugs, Black and Tan operatives, men who were vicious and had more blood on their hands than anyone could justify. "Escorting them to the gates of hell" is what John told Ailbhe, that is what they did.

But Mrs Changretta was not a bad woman.

"They killed Grace... they were going to kill Tommy" Finn reminded Ailbhe, trying to justify it. But it didn't seem justifiable anymore.

"Mrs Changretta didn't do anything" Ailbhe responded, her eyes full of pity. Finn hated being like this, feeling like they were on opposite sides and there was a current pulling them apart.

"Neither did Grace" Finn reminded her, closing the stable door behind him and going over to her. He leant against the bale beside her, her hand finding his until his fingers were laced through hers.

Finn was quieter than usual, more withdrawn and he kept losing himself in his thoughts. Ailbhe wondered what was going on inside his head, hoping he wasn't starting to think badly of himself again like the other night.

"My brothers told me ye caught a stag this morning" Ailbhe remarked, trying to keep his mind off things.

The four Shelby brothers, the two Kennedy brothers as well as Curley, Charlie, Johnny Dogs and a few more close members had gone hunting that morning. They set off early and both her brothers were gone by the time Ailbhe woke.

"In memory of Dad" Finn nodded, his thumb running across the back of her hand.

"What?" Ailbhe gasped, her eyes widening and looking to him. He was staring ahead, almost blankly. He looked over to her and nodded.

Crown of a Prince (Finn Shelby)Where stories live. Discover now