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Arthur walked on ahead, leaving Ailbhe outside the office doors waiting for Finn. Billy Grade probably needed a few minutes to catch his breath and recover from his interaction with two of the more infamous members of Finn’s family.
Once stepping out onto the street, Finn was surprised to see her waiting for him but he shouldn’t have been.
“Alright?” he greeted, kissing her cheek quickly before pulling out his cigarette case.
It didn’t matter how natural it got, Ailbhe still got a little flutter from those interactions with Finn. Even now it was the norm, feeling like they always expected it. Finn noticed it too, the certainty of it that he liked and needed in some aspect of his life. When he came into the offices and she was still working, she’d keep her eyes on the books but stretch her head so Finn’s lips would find hers. Just like how his hands would reach for her without even thinking about it. It was becoming so natural and normal and he loved it.
She nodded in response, watching as he lit the cigarette and threw the match aside. He offered her a drag but she shook her head. Resting the cigarette in his lips, he nodded in the direction of the Garrison, knowing their family would be waiting.
“Fucking Arthur coming in and acting as though he runs the place” Finn cursed, shaking his head.
He was sick of being treated like a child all the time. He wasn’t a kid anymore, he had proven himself again and again, he worked hard all of the time. They wanted him to step up, to be the head bookmaker, be on the board of directors, be John. And he was trying, doing everything he could and yet they still pushed him back sometimes. One step forward, two steps back it felt like at times.
“He means well, he’s a bit of a mess these days anyway… I think he thinks he’s helping” Ailbhe replied, keeping up with him only just about as his long legs were much quicker than hers.
“You fix the books for him?” He asked, knowing she would have it done already.
Even Finn had heard that the Garrison would go under soon if someone didn’t sort out the books and thankfully Ailbhe had volunteered to help.
She nodded, staying uncharacteristically quiet. He knew there was something on her mind. Turning his head, he realised she was away in a world of her own. He slowed down, putting his hand out to her which she took but she didn’t look at him, nor smile like she usually did.
He knew she had news of her own. And it was rattling around inside of her head, stressing her out so much that she did take the cigarette from his fingers and take a drag hoping it would settle her. It didn’t.
“I got a phone call this morning, Finn… from Maggie Brennan” She told him, keeping her voice down.
They were outside the back door of the Garrison, in the quiet alleyway when she told him and when Finn grinded to a halt, turning back to face her. He had cursed that name countless times for being the bitch who needed help and that help meant Ailbhe got sent away, taken away from him.
“What?” He snapped; his eyes worried.
If Maggie Brennan came back, if she got caught, she might give up Ailbhe as an accomplice, might list her as the real culprit or something else unimaginable. Finn’s thoughts weren’t even coherent.
“She telephoned to tell me she was getting on the boat to America… said she’s got a husband now… a baby too”
She explained, passing back the cigarette to Finn who started to settle when he heard she had no more to do with her.
“Oh” he replied, letting it sink in and taking a pull from the cigarette.
“It felt… strange” She admitted, folding her arms across her chest and her expression changing “Like a chapter ending… like she was getting her happy ending.”
It was strange to say out loud but maybe they were. Maybe it was possible.
“She’d be dead if you hadn’t helped her… wouldn’t she?” Finn asked, his dark eyes watching her.
He already knew the answer, but he still found himself saying the words.
“Yeah” She nodded, looking back at him.

If Ailbhe hadn't helped Maggie escape, it was extremely likely Maggie would have been caught and incarcerated, hanged for crimes against the crown. And for the first time, Finn seemed to look fine about it. Maybe he forgave her after all, for having to leave him and go with her gut.
“Made me think maybe there can be a normal life out there for people like us” She admitted, if only for a second.
He nodded slowly, his eyes narrowing as he thought about it. What would that life look like? Was it something that would appeal to them? A big house in the countryside, Ailbhe with a toddler on her hip and a ring on her finger, Finn with a real honest to God job that he worked in where hated his boss.
He started to smile thinking about it. It was a funny thing to think about, especially when they acknowledged that it appealed to neither of them. Of course, Finn wanted to marry her, wanted to someday maybe have a family. But the happy little suburban life, wasn’t for them.
“You getting broody?” He asked her, that glint in his eye and smug smirk on his lips that made her roll her eyes as he reached out a hand to her.
He grabbed her hand and pulled her in towards him even though she resisted him jokingly.
“Get off” She warned him, jokingly as he tried to grab onto her and pulled her against him.
“You trying to tie me down, so I won’t find another girl?” he asked mockingly, his smile breaking through as she rolled her eyes at him.
He knew she felt the same about the future. Being honest, he didn’t care what it looked like so long as she was there too.
“What, you don’t wanna marry me?” She taunted him, giving in and wrapping her arms around his middle and pulling him against her so their bodies collided.
She looked up at him, her head only eye level with his chest but the way he looked down at her she didn’t even care. These small moments of no worries, of no stress and pressures from their family were rare but they took these little nuggets of normality when they could.

“I’ve got a family thing, sorry gorgeous” He groaned in feigned annoyance, his hand gripping her neck and making her lips meet his.
Rolling her eyes, she pulled back from him, letting his hand link with hers if only for a moment, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand before he pulled open the back door for her, letting them back into the chaos and havoc their family brought.

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