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The banging on the door woke Ailbhe up. It was a rude awakening for anyone, especially after the bottle of champagne that she and Polly had downed in record timing. She could feel the effects slowing her down as she yanked herself out of bed and threw open the window. The smell of smoke and fog made her hesitate, a headache lodging itself behind her eyes. She looked down, squinting but still recognising the two men at her front door.

"What the fuck do ye want?" she complained, knowing that it couldn't have been later than seven o clock in the morning.
"Get dressed, we've got work to do" Tommy snapped, pointing a finger at her.
Ailbhe rolled her eyes, slamming the window shut with a groan. She dressed quickly, quickly putting on some make-up to look more alive than she felt. It was rushed but she was used to doing it quickly. She was pulling on her coat as she shut the door behind her.
"What is it?" she asked them as they set off walking quickly, Tommy and Arthur walking ahead of her, Tommy's eyes darting back at her constantly.
She had to quicken her steps to keep up with them but before long they were standing on the edge of the cut where it was quiet and there were no listening ears. They could hear the clang and clatter from the yards and the factories but it was too early for any other noise.
"I got a phone call from a Captain Swing this morning" Tommy stated, looking at Ailbhe and waiting for her reaction.
The way her eyes widened let him know that Ailbhe knew exactly who Captain Swing was.
"I take it that you know her?" Tommy nodded, lighting a cigarette and offering her one. She took one, letting him light it for her before she explained.
"I know of her, she's a captain of the IRA in the occupied six counties-... I mean in Northern Ireland"
 Her correction made Arthur laugh. Once a rebel, always a rebel. The area of land in Ireland that was signed over to England was called Northern Ireland, but not to the republicans. To them, it was the occupied six counties. To them, it wasn't a part of the mighty British Empire, it was stolen territory that they wanted back. 
"Why did she telephone you?" Ailbhe asked, not wanting her own previous indiscretions being brought up again and again. She had explained and apologised until she was blue in the face, she didn't want to talk about it anymore. And she certainly was done apologising for it. 
"The boat Michael was coming on docked in Belfast. They telephoned to tell me that he had been talking to members of the UVF about plans to divide up race tracks and industries when they had had me killed"
Tommy explained, not looking too shaken. Ailbhe noticed Arthur's jaw tense but she wasn't sure about Tommy. He didn't seem to fully believe this Captain Swing. Ailbhe believed him wise not to trust her off the bat, she was infamous for being both erratic and extreme. 
"Why would they telephone you, Tom?" Arthur asked, clearly confused and feeling a few steps behind Tom and Ailbhe, as he usually was these days.
Tommy kept his eyes on the water, the still and dark waters of the cut. Ailbhe watched him carefully, her mind racing to keep up until she slowed down and focused on one thought and understood.
"They want your help" She spoke softer now. She knew she was right from Tommy's face.
"They're looking for socialists with influence and power who can help the cause" She whispered realising that the IRA was far from finished fighting.
Tommy looked back at her, blue eyes boring into her green ones and nodding slightly. She knew that Tommy wasn't committed to Ireland's cause, that he believed the only independence worth fighting for was their own but she also knew it sparked curiosity in him. What would the IRA want with the Peaky Blinders? And were they telling the truth about Michael?

"If they try to contact you, you tell me, alright?" Tommy told her, seeing the flicker of fire that this news sparked in his sister. 

She looked him in the eyes when she nodded.  

"Alright, come on" Tommy sighed, throwing the end of his cigarette into the cut and nodding his head back towards the streets.
"We've got one more job to do before I catch my train," he told them as they fell into step beside him.
Ailbhe realised they were heading for the Garrison as they cut through Kipper's Lane. It was barely light out. Surely there was no business in The Garrison and certainly, none that needed Ailbhe's attention.
"Go get your train Tom, Alv and I can deal with this" Arthur told him, shaking his head.
But Tommy kept on walking with them. He called out to the group of kids playing by the back of a factory door and threw some coins to them, making them go into a frenzy. Ailbhe rolled her eyes.
"They're not dogs playing fetch Tom" 

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