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Christmas Eve, 1926

Ailbhe didn't feel like celebrating Christmas, not this year while things felt so bleak and lonely. She was busy fixing the accounts before the end of the year and with the family more messed up than the books, she wished Christmas could just pass them by this year. Polly was in a bad way, much like Ailbhe was used to with her mother. Polly was drinking heavily, holding séances and spending more time talking to the dead than the living. Ailbhe had gone to see her dozens of times since they were all pardoned but Polly was struggling more than others.

Scribbling out a messy line of numbers, Ailbhe tore a page from the ledger and started again. She had been covering for Polly for months now as company treasurer. As assistant treasurer, Ailbhe wasn't supposed to be handling most of the duties she had but she was. Polly was in no state to try balance the books and Ailbhe had taken the last year to study, work on her accountancy and business knowledge.

"Miss Kennedy, Mrs Thorne is here for you" Jenny, her housekeeper told her from the doorway.

Ailbhe looked up, smiling. She was glad to finally see Ada back from Boston. While Ada was sent away on business for the company, her house in London was sitting empty. Therefore, Ailbhe had taken up residence there most weeks while she and Liam dealt with the business in London. Liam stayed between Ada's house with Ailbhe and his flat near King's Cross. She knew that he stayed at Ada's some nights to check on her, make sure she was alright but she wasn't sure if she was really.

Niall stayed in Birmingham, running the pubs that he had always owned under his name and he kept his head down. She and Liam went home to Small Heath regularly since Liam still worked closely with Charlie and Curly, while Ailbhe oversaw the horses for the company. She liked living in London. She got to spend as much time as she wanted with Jade, Isiah's sister who she had missed while she lived in London and Ailbhe had stayed in Small Heath. They went to the theatre and to clubs and restaurants, no door was closed to them.

She also felt like she had the chance to grow up, to stop being a kid and start being taken seriously. She got a bigger role in the company, started studying all things business and made her own reputation even if it was under the name of the Peaky Blinders.

But things were much more different now. John, Arthur and Niall had cut themselves from the company. Both John and Arthur lived in the countryside now, Niall in Birmingham running his own pubs. Liam, Ada and Ailbhe still technically worked for the company and yet none of them had seen Tommy in months. They had spoken to him a few times on the phone but it was always just business, never personal.

Liam said he couldn't look in Tommy's eyes without feeling the noose around his neck. Ailbhe understood. The dreams about France had began to stop and now there were new dreams. Dreams about nooses and dark cells. Ailbhe's mind started to wander, started to drag her down memory lane and remind her what hell they'd endured when she saw a figure round the doorway.

"Ailbhe" Ada sighed in relief, finally seeing the woman she called sister.

Ailbhe stood from her desk, finding Ada's arms around her quickly. She felt a smile as they held onto each other, squeezing for just one more moment.

"You look amazing" Ailbhe admitted, looking Ada up and down and admiring everything from her shoes to her lipstick to her fur coat. She looked as thought she was dripping in money. She looked utterly beautiful.

"I was so sorry to hear about your mother Alv" Ada sympathised, her hand finding the skin of Ailbhe's cheek.

Ailbhe nodded, smiling sadly and accepting her sympathy. It was a bad business and Ailbhe didn't like to relive it. She wished the family could have been together, could have been united to help her but that wasn't the case.

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