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(Hey sorry to interrupt but just want to say first of all, thank you so much for reading and for all the amazing people who vote and comment it just makes my day!
But also, in the last chapter I realised it just wasn't sitting well with me and I didn't feel like I did my Ailbhe justice. So yesterday  I edited it a little more so if you want to just go back and have a read, do lol xx M)

It was almost two o'clock when Ailbhe finally looked over Finn's shoulder at the clock on his bedside table. She knew she would have to get going soon, Michael's train got in at three and she had to meet Polly and Arthur beforehand. But she didn't want to move from where she was.
Finn was asleep, finally able to sleep properly with Ailbhe back where she belonged, in his bed. They had laid in his bed, tangled around each other and his arm curled up behind her back, the tips of his fingers tracing on the soft skin of her back when he had fallen asleep. He looked so peaceful, sleeping on his side facing Ailbhe with his arm slung over her waist and their legs tangled together. She scarcely remembered a time she felt so content in the last six months.
She leaned forwards, pressing a kiss to his lips and to the corner of his mouth, to his jawline and then to his neck. He started to wake, the shadow of a smile on his lips as he came around.
"I have to go Finn; I have to go to the office before I meet Aunt Pol" she whispered as she watched his eyes open drowsily.
He tensed his arms around her, stretching and opening his eyes properly.
"Did I fall asleep?" he asked drowsily, looking around and realising hours had passed.
She nodded, smiling. She was glad he had fallen asleep, he seemed so tired looking since she came home from New York and he looked like he needed the rest.
"See you tonight?" He asked, pushing a lock of hair back behind her ear and trying to hide his disappointment about her having to leave.
"I have to go to London with Tom, we have a meeting after he speaks in parliament so we'll probably stay at Ada's tonight" she answered, watching his disappointment at how he might have to go a whole evening without her. It was sweet.
He nodded, letting her climb out from under him and grabbing her clothes from around the bedroom's floor. He couldn't help but watch her as she got dressed, finding it just as infatuating as watching her get undressed somehow. There was something about the way she slid on her stockings, bending over and clipping them onto the suspenders that encircled the smooth skin of her thighs, the way she tied her bralette and ran her fingers through her curls.
She liked how he sat up in the bed, watching her while he smoked. Once dressed, she sat on the edge of the bed taking the cigarette from him and taking a puff as he zipped up her dress, pressing a kiss to the base of her neck as he did so.

Being together was their old routine and it was a comfortable pattern to slip back into. One that Ailbhe was glad hadn't changed much. 

"Be careful, won't you?" He asked of her.
"Of course." She promised, leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
"Isiah and I will be up top, Tommy picked windows in the mills for us to watch from with rifles. So, if Michael has men with him, I'll have your back" he promised, making Ailbhe realise that Tommy really didn't trust Michael, that he was taking every precaution in the book.
She nodded, glad of the extra security but still a little frightened.
She bent down, tying up her shoes while Finn thought about the man she was going to meet, the man who had lost nearly all their money and who had been sent away for betraying Ailbhe in the first place.
"Do you think Michael really betrayed Tommy? That he wants Tommy's crown?"
Finn asked her, knowing that Ailbhe always was a good judge of character, that she often got these things right. Finn didn't trust Michael but he knew that his own opinion of Michael was clouded by the fact his betrayal had almost killed Ailbhe.
She took a deep breath, looking at him over her shoulder.
"I don't know... I don't trust Michael and I think he wants Tommy's crown but I don't know if he has it in him to be that ruthless, to be twisted enough to cross all of us"
She answered honestly. She really wasn't sure anymore but she would find out.
"I'll see you later" she promised, leaning down and pressing her lips to his for longer than just a moment. His hand flew to the back of her head, keeping her there and dragging the kiss out for longer. It had been a long time and they had catching up to do.
She finally pulled away from him, smiling. Finn could see it, the happiness and glowing from her and it was because of him.

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