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Tommy's meeting with Captain Swing was reaching an apex when his sisters interrupted. And although Ms McKee had met Ailbhe before, Tommy still felt the pressure in the room rise when they stood in the same room. Her earlier threat hadn't gone unnoticed and although Tommy admired his sister's creativity, he certainly wished she would taunt people who wished to see her head on a spike less.

"I came to collect Arthur and put him to bed...I found him in Garrison Lane with a syringe in his hand"

Ada's information seemed to do little to shock their audience but Arthur's actions these days were quite difficult to be shocked at. He seemed intent on destroying what little of his life and his sanity he had left no matter what they did to help.

Tommy's sigh was more in frustration than exasperation. Arthur always had terrible timing.

"A friend loves at all times but a brother is born for adversity... Proverb 17:17" Tommy sighed.

Ailbhe felt eyes on herself. She cast a glance at Ms McKee who was indeed already watching her.

"What about sisters, Mr Shelby?"

Her question was coupled with a mocking raise of her eyebrows. Even the rats who swam in the cut knew that Ailbhe Shelby was more than just Finn's wife in that family. She was as much Tommy's sister as Ada despite their exchange of last names.

When Ada married Liam, she became a Kennedy. And when Ailbhe married Finn, she became a Shelby. The Shelby's still had one woman in their ranks, as did the Kennedy's, a fair swap anyone would agree.

"When I figure out why I was blessed with not one but two sisters, I will be sure to let you know"

Tommy's face was covered by his hand in exasperation but she was sure there was a sarcastic grimace on his face all the same.

Tommy wished he genuinely knew. In her younger years, Ada had been sent to test his patience. As a grown woman, she was perhaps one of the only people who advised him with no ulterior motives. He never had quite figured out why Ailbhe was sent into his life, but he would never object.

Ms McKee leaned forward.

"I take it, the new Mrs Shelby is the sister who was able to procure Mr Nelson and the President's private correspondence"

Ms McKee asked, her hand gesturing towards the stack of letters on the table. While in America with Tommy, Ailbhe had brushed up on her more clandestine talents and managed to part the letters from their owners quite easily. She would never fail to be surprised at how far a flirtatious smile and light fingers would get you.

"That would be correct" Ailbhe nodded, pulling her gloves on "Luckily for Finn, I'm not just a pretty face."

It all sounded so pleasant. Ailbhe smiled that fake smile that she pulled on at Tommy's foundation galas and events, Ada seemed utterly disinterested but Tommy knew enough about women to know there was more tension in the air than he could ever imagine.

And with that, Tommy stood, unwilling to let his sisters spend too long in a room with a woman who wanted them dead.

"So, Laura McKee. Are you going to help me change the world?"

The words seemed almost hollow. They sat in a pub in Small heath, owned by what used to be illegal bookmakers who came from a long line of horse thieves and outlaws. And they talked about changing the course of history. It would have been almost comical if lives didn't hang in the balance.

"Mr Shelby.." She tore her eyes away from Ailbhe "This meeting was not what I expected."

Ailbhe would admit, Ms McKee seemed to be telling the truth.

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