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Sorry for being late! This is hard - especially when its so close to the end! But I'm happy with how it's all turning out. Its dark but it has to be. They're the Shelby Kennedy family! Wrote exclusively listening to my Ailbhe Kennedy playlist - Don't Blame me, Way Down we go, House of Memories, Achilles come down, YES MOM, the whole angsty villain vibe. Let me know what ye think x

Forgive me  for being late and for what I'm about to do to ye xxx M

Arrow House didn't even look like the place she knew. It was cloaked in darkness, none of the outside lamps were lit and although Ailbhe could make out the cars that were haphazardly parked around the front of the house she couldn't make out any figures in the dark. She parked the car in the driveway, in too much of a hurry to park it somewhere properly even if she knew how to reverse the car into a space.

The slam of the car door was the only thing she could hear, even if there was meant to be a party going on.

She knew her way to the front door but it was locked, double bolted and she didn't want to knock. Especially when she wasn't going to be permitted entry.

But Ailbhe had been visiting Arrow House since before Charlie had been born so she knew where the servant's entrance was and how to get in unnoticed. She slipped through the back hallway and up the servant's staircase. It was deadly silent and cold. None of the lamps were lit, nor even a lantern. She kept finding herself jumping at her own shadow or the sound of her own footsteps.

Eventually, after climbing what felt like a dozen flights of stairs she made it to the heavy wooden door she knew to lead into the entrance hallway. She pushed it open as quietly as she could, but the figure with his back to her must have heard her efforts and spun to face her.


Isaiah hissed, knowing he should have predicted her turning up. But Tommy and Liam and Finn had all sworn to him she would stay away. But Ailbhe had gave twenty-five years ignoring what the Shelby Kennedy brothers told her to do and she wasn't going to start now.

"Isaiah, where are they?"

She hissed back, not interested in a reprimand. She was more interested in finding her husband before Duke did something that Ailbhe would have to take his eyes for.

"What are you doing here?" He snapped, keeping his voice low as he reached for her arm and grabbed it "Finn swore you were going to stay away!"

She resisted his grip on her arm but it was too firm for her to shake off. He was trying to drag her towards the front door but she dug her heels in.

"I'm here to stop this from becoming even worse" She resisted, managing to plant herself firmer where she was.

Isaiah turned to face her. He found himself dropping his chin to make sure he looked her in the eyes.

"Isaiah, where are they? And why are you out here?"

She snapped.

Isaiah was perhaps one of the easiest people to read in Ailbhe's life. She had known him for most of her life, seen him almost every day and seen his face displaying every emotion. She knew him. And she knew when he was telling the truth. Which is why she believed him when he had no idea why she would turn up, claiming Finn was in danger and Duke was going to do something terrible.

"I've got specific instructions, Alv. Tommy told me to stay out here. He said to let Finn and Duke deal with Billy."

She didn't try to explain or react. She just bolted for the rooms that Isaiah had nodded his head in. But he was too fast for her. And he had the height and weight advantage by a long shot.

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