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Ailbhe was relieved to be back in Small Heath and back where she felt like family business was supposed to be. Familiar faces in the offices and betting shop that had been there since she was running around barefoot made her feel infinitely more settled.

The black star had sent her needing reinforcements and it was not something she could sort alone. It was something she needed her two best men for.

"Mrs Shelby"

Nods and greetings met her on her entrance. Scudboat threw her a wink from his standing position by the phone and although the other men saw her smile back, they didn't try the same.

They opted for the more appropriate "Morning Mrs Shelby".

It was perhaps a little strange. Going from 'kid' to 'Miss Ailbhe' to 'Mrs Shelby' but Ailbhe had never asked for formalities from the men who had always worked with her family.

Finn's office was at the end of the corridor, knowing he would be in there with his head bent over the books.

She stopped by the doorway, rapping her knuckles off the door to alert him more than to ask permission. His flash of interest and the tug of a smile at his lips made her glad she had come to see him first.

She knew what he was thinking of when he leaned back in his seat and looked at her in the same way he had that morning.

"You alright?" He asked her, wanting to be sure before they put business first again.

He knew it was a brave face. But the way she nodded, never looking away from him he knew she was brave enough to keep that face on.

Finn threw down his pen and slipped his jacket on. She waited for him at the doorway and when he reached her, he bent to kiss her, her chin between his thumb and forefinger.

"Good" he murmured against her lips, briefly touching his forehead against hers.

She took a deep breath when he stepped back. Looking her up and down, she looked as she always did. Perfect. But he knew she was hurting, just like he was. Worry for Ruby, concern for Lizzie and Tommy, loss of their future. But they were perfect.

"Black star?" He nodded in the direction of the door opposite that was shut.

"Black star" she nodded, pressing up on her toes and kissing him for one more second before moving towards Isaiah's office.

Ailbhe rapped her knuckles against the office door and pushed in when she heard Isaiah's voice. Finn's hand squeezed hers before dropping it on their entrance.

However, he hadn't been talking to her. He spoke quickly into the telephone, taking his feet down off the desk

"I've gotta go, Mickey. The boss is here"

He slammed the phone down, nodding in their direction.

"Glad to see you're making yourself comfortable, Isaiah"

Ailbhe nodded towards the whiskey on the desk as well as where his feet had been propped up on the does.

"It's good to know you're comfortable with me as the boss too" Finn remarked, a smug grin on his face at his oldest friend apart from his wife.

Isaiah rolled his handsome brown eyes, throwing a middle finger in Finn's direction.

"I was actually referring to your wife"

Ailbhe smirked, glad to be free of the tension for a few minutes. Isaiah and Finn had always been able to make her laugh.

"She's not the boss" Finn jibed, knowing he would invoke a reaction from her.

Crown of a Prince (Finn Shelby)Where stories live. Discover now