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With the official board meeting over, the family headed back to where they always ended up when shit hit the fan. Small Heath, another place that hadn’t changed and probably never would. They were meeting in The Garrison and Ailbhe had been told someone would come fetch her when the time came. She was surprised to find Finn on her doorstep, expecting Tommy to send one of the newer Peaky boys to fetch her but sure enough, Tommy had an ulterior motive. He knew Finn and Ailbhe hadn’t spoken since she got back and he had also seen what a disaster Finn had been for the last five months without her.
He was causing trouble for them, making messes that Tommy or Arthur or Niall had to come along and clean up. The timing wasn’t a coincidence that he became a nightmare the same time Ailbhe left for New York. Tommy knew they were young and in love, whatever it meant but he hadn’t thought about the implications for Finn should Ailbhe be sent away. But Tommy was dreaming again, bad dreams of people coming for his throne and he needed every person in his corner at their best. And he now understood that for Tommy to be at his best, he needed Ailbhe in his corner which she wouldn't be if Finn didn't wake up from this downward spiral he was intent on having.
“Tommy sent me to fetch you, the meeting’s probably already started” He told her, avoiding her eyes and flicking the ash off the end of his cigarette.
She narrowed her eyes at him, not moving her feet nor rushing at all. She took a moment, giving him a chance but he didn’t look at her. He couldn’t.
He guessed she was probably furious with him. He knew that she had every right to be for not writing to her, nor coming to see her sooner but he didn’t know what to say. How do you tell someone you fell apart without them? It was pathetic and Finn Shelby was meant to be a peaky blinder, a real Shelby brother. He wasn't supposed to need anyone, to be soft, to want someone as much as he wanted her.
“We better get going then” She snapped, pulling the door out after her and brushing past him.
He fell into step beside her, remembering to slow down for her legs that were shorter than his. She used to link her arm through his or hold onto his hand so he knew the pace to walk. It was something small but it felt awkward without it.
They walked in silence for a few minutes, many people on the streets nodding hello at them and whispering about Small heath’s own royal couple. Before New York, Finn and Ailbhe were seen together daily, almost always with Ailbhe laughing and Finn trying not to. Young girls would looks on and be jealous, wish that Birmingham's prince fancied them instead while men tried not to be caught admiring Ailbhe for fear Finn would catch their wandering eyes and take them from their heads.

Finn kept his eyes straight ahead as they passed beyond the factories that spewed out smoke and sparks from the different industries. He didn't dare to look at her, to remind himself what it felt like when she looked back at him and could practically feel her see straight through him, as if she could climb inside his mind and rifle through his deepest thoughts.
“Are you really not going to talk to me?” She snapped, grinding to a halt and folding her arms across her chest.
Finn stopped a few feet in front of her, turning back to face her. She had that look on her face, the one that Finn used to mock her for because it was so serious, so sullen. When usually Ailbhe had an air of ease about her while she was just so full of light.
“Are you not even going to look at me?” She asked him, her vulnerability fighting to be heard in her voice but she stopped it. The last thing she needed Finn to do was feel sorry for her.
As if he was making a point, he lifted his head and looked her straight in the eyes. Her anger faded slightly, leaving her look quite lost. His eyes were wide and a little bloodshot like he hadn’t slept properly in a long time.
She looked perfect as always, even better than when she had left him five months ago. It irked him to see her looking so perfect, as though it didn’t affect her in the slightest to be away from him. But he should have known Ailbhe was a good liar and an even better actor.
“I thought you’d be happy to see me...” she said it so quiet it was almost a whisper.
It had all been so rushed. One minute she was stuck in New York, away from Finn and away from everyone she loved and the next minute Tommy was telling her to pack her stuff and be on the next boat home. She had been apprehensive, not knowing what was waiting for her back home but Finn had promised to love her, to be with her forever. So why could he barely look at her?
“Well, forgive me Finn. I’m so fucking sorry I came back to ruin your fun.” She snapped sarcastically, walking past him before he could see that she was nearly in tears.
She wouldn't let him have the satisfaction of her tears. She couldn't. If Finn was so displeased to see her back then she would swallow back those tears and pretend she didn't care either. Now certain that she was crashing the party with her arrival, that Finn had been revelling in his freedom while she was away, she felt her temper outweight her heartache.

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