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Leaving their happy and perfect little bubble, Finn and Ailbhe swapped it for the tense environment of Tommy's office at his home. They had gathered outside, John and Esme arriving a few moments after Ailbhe and her brothers, the baby up in Esme's arms.

Ailbhe got to hold the newest member of the family while Esme and John spoke outside. Ailbhe had gotten the feeling John and Esme needed to talk, feeling the tension so Ailbhe had offered to hold the baby. She took the swaddled baby into the house, sitting by the window and distracted by the baby's big blue eyes and perfect little lips. He was absolutely and unsurprisingly beautiful.

Ailbhe watched his parents, debating something only for it to end in an embrace, Esme holding John and whispering that everything would be alright soon. Lizzie came and sat with Ailbhe, waiting for the others as Niall and Liam smoked and paced until they almost scuffed the floors. Finn arrived with Isiah, followed shortly after by Polly and Michael. Finn gave Ailbhe a small nod and a smile. They would stay quiet about them, today was already hectic enough.

Arthur, Niall, Liam and John were angry with Tommy, feeling underappreciated and that they were just paid guns. Their loyalty, as well as that of their wives and sisters had been called into question. Family was meant to come first for them. They were meant to trust each other over anyone else in this business and it seemed that Tommy no longer felt that way.

"Come on let's get this done with so we can go back to the usual shit" Charlie sighed, a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth and an ash tray that probably cost more than his house clung in his hand. Beckoning him with his hand, Curly fell into step beside him running as always.

Esme rejoined them, her husband stopping beside Liam and taking a cigarette from him gratefully. She held her hands out, letting Ailbhe pass her son back into his arms.

"It suits you, Alv" She nodded at her, hint of a smile on her lips when she had seen Ailbhe with a baby in her arms.

Liam looked away from John to his sister and Esme with a furrowed brow.

"Don't fucking say that, Esme" He protested, not wanting to think about Ailbhe becoming a mother for another decade hopefully.

Ailbhe followed the boys in, watching as Linda and Esme took seats behind their husbands, Polly sat with Michael and Ada in the front row and Lizzie took the seat near to Tommy who sat at the front, his head down not looking at anyone. There was stacks of cash in front of him, their takings divided up between them. Charlie, Curley and Johnny Dogs sat in the second row. Ailbhe went beside them as Finn and Isiah took the seats beside her. Niall, Liam, Arthur and John took their seats in the front, directly in front of Tommy.

Tommy looked up at them, his family. He looked exhausted, his eyes bloodshot and the mud from the tunnels still clinging to his skin.

"Before I begin, I want you to know that I made a mistake" his voice was hoarse and raspy but he continued "I made a mistake and I want to apologise to all of you"

Resting his hands on the table, Tommy seemed slightly beaten, like he was finally sick of this game he had been playing for years, ever since he had found those guns. Liam had told Ailbhe that morning it was Alfie Solomons who betrayed them, not anyone within the family. Liam worked with Alfie in London and in Camden Town and while he dealt with him regularly, he knew that you couldn't trust Alfie as far as you could throw him.

"Arthur, Niall" he nodded in their direction "You both warned me about getting involved in Russian business and you were right"

Arthur hummed in agreement, keeping his arms folded across his chest. Niall stayed silent, he knew 'I told you so' would not have been received well.

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