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A little bit of NSFW  and another update xx

Ailbhe had disappeared. Tommy and Captain Swing were in the Garrison, Isaiah and Niall were at the doors with the Brennan brothers and somewhere in the shuffle, Ailbhe had disappeared.

Finn went in search of her, checking the old Shelby home on Watery Lane before he checked the Shelby Kennedy offices. The lights were on and he could hear movement in her office, where he found her standing by the desk, shuffling through papers.

She looked different now, although Finn would never be able to say in what way. Maybe it was only through his eyes, seeing her as his wife now rather than just as his Ailbhe. But she was still as striking as ever.

Since Polly had died, Ailbhe had to step into the role of Company Treasurer, as well as juggling her previous position as head of the Shelby Kennedy Racehorse Syndicate. She was more than capable, nobody doubted this. But she was busy, especially with Tommy's trip to America and the absences because of Ruby's illness.

"You know - " Finn leaned against the door frame, his head tilted as he watched her - "The new rules state that there's no sport for anyone with the name Shelby"

Ailbhe's head jumped up to look at him. She had thought she'd be back to the Garrison before he came looking for her but as usual, he missed her and found her.

His long and lean frame leaned against the doorway, his arms folded across his chest that made her admire his arms more than usual. Finn seemed immune to time, looking as handsome as he always had.

"And that includes you now too..." Finn reminded her, that cocky smirk on his lips as he lifted his left hand and tapped the ring on his ring finger with his thumb.

The gold ring that Finn had picked and promised to never take off. The ring that meant Ailbhe was an official Shelby, even if everyone already believed she was a Shelby through and through.

His wedding ring sat on his ring finger and a Shelby family ring sat on his thumb. Ailbhe had never asked him to wear a wedding ring, knowing it was something that some men preferred not to do. But Finn had insisted. Restless by nature he was constantly fidgeting and being able to twist the ring around his finger reminded him who it was he was bound to. 

There was a sense of security when she looked at it. He was hers. She also knew the feel of his rings intimately, the cold metal pressed against her lips when she sucked Finn's thumb into her mouth or the feeling of his wedding ring against her wrists as he held them above her head. 

Every time she felt it, she was reminded that he had promised to love her, be loyal to her and be hers until their last breaths. It sent a rush through her that almost always made her reach for him.

"I think burying Laura McKee alive would count as sport" He shrugged, trying more than anything to make her smile.

It hadn't been one of the official vows they had said before Jeremiah but it was one of the vows they had sworn to each other that night.

I promise you'll never have to do any of it alone

I promise I'll do everything I can to save you, especially from yourself

I promise I'll be yours until you find me in the next life

His wife had been quiet and reserved for more than a week now and Finn was beginning to worry. Ruby was feeling better and the business was going well. Therefore, he wanted to know what kept his Ailbhe awake at night and why she was so quiet.

Finn didn't have trouble sleeping, he usually would fall asleep within seconds of his head hitting the pillow. But he woke often throughout the night, usually just to move positions, push Ailbhe's hair from his face or pull her closer however almost every time he woke, she was already awake.

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