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"Come on, Tommy says we have to mingle and behave" Ada reminded Ailbhe, nodding her head towards the bunches of people who she would have to talk to. There was nothing she'd rather do less than mingle but Tommy's orders were final.

"You too Esme!" Ada reminded her sister-in-law but Esme was in no state to be mingling.

"Are you sure you should be up and about?" Ailbhe asked her, concern etched on her face.

Esme was almost due to have her baby and she had still come to the grand opening.

"He'll pop out when it's inconvenient don't worry" she rolled her eyes "He's a Shelby after all".

Ailbhe hated events like these. It always led to awkward discussions where people treated her like a child who knew nothing or like an adult who should know everything. She would much rather sit outside with Johnny Dogs and the Lees who had set up camp not too far away but she knew Tommy would kill her.

She also knew the Lees were busy. Along with Tommy's clay kickers, they were digging the tunnel for Tommy to pull of his robbery. Tommy had told Ailbhe about it, knowing she could keep a secret and that she was the only one who would be able to find all of his old clay kicker friends from his army days. Her big doe eyes and pretty face, especially the fact that she was extremely light fingered and could steal the watch off a man's wrist without him knowing it, Ailbhe could track them all down easily.

Therefore, Ailbhe was one of the few Shelby Kennedy's who knew the full extent of the robbery.

Ada took Charlie out of Ailbhe's arms. He had been a good excuse not to talk to the toffs surrounding her. Charlie had warranted her full attention as he sat on her hip, grabbing bunches of her dress' fabric or chunks of her curls only for Finn to have to pry them out of the baby's little fist. But Ada passed Charlie to Tommy and Ailbhe was therefore out of excuses.

Two middle aged men with hair growing out of their ears had cornered Ailbhe to talk about the race horses they owned. While Ailbhe worked in Shelby Company Ltd, her usual role was to monitor and oversee the accounts to do with the racing tracks and horses.

"And you have moved from horses to motor cars, yes?" One of the men asked, standing a little too close to Ailbhe for her comfort.

Taking a subtle step back, Ailbhe nodded "Well part of our expansion this year has included motor cars yes Mr Carson but we still are very much involved in the racehorse industry, it has always been a love of the family"

Mr Carson nodded, before leaning in again and saying "Well I'm shocked such a pretty young thing like you works for such a big company, it must be very difficult for someone from such a modest background."

He was so patronising it made Ailbhe's falsest smile tug into place. Don't be rude Ailbhe, just behave and smile, that is what she repeated to herself on a loop.

However, Ailbhe didn't have to come up with an answer as Tommy grabbed her arm, turning her to face him

"Ailbhe, where's Charles?" He asked, his eyes full of panic.

Ailbhe looked around, he had been there only a few moments ago. She had heard him crying. But Ailbhe hadn't been looking after him since Ada had taken him off her.

"I don't know Tommy" she responded, her eyes flitting around the room looking for him desperately.

"Tommy!" Ada called out "Someone said they saw a nurse take him through the back door!"

And just like that, he was gone. Someone had taken the baby, vanished with him without a trace and all they could do now was wait.

"Linda! Esme! Get the kids home and stay there. Scudboat will keep watch outside the house. Finn, Liam get everyone checking the roads south" Arthur shouted back in the door, promising Tommy they would find him.

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