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Lady Diana Mitford’s house was as ostentatious and opulent as she claimed to be. Isaiah and Finn had her followed for a week allowing for Finn to know all there was to know about the curious woman. All that he knew, quickly became Ailbhe’s knowledge too that he shared with her as they undressed for the night. It soon became quite clear that Diana Mitford was not the elegant lady she claimed to be. 

Ailbhe would have rathered do anything else than to be attending this meeting for Tommy but Ada was already there and she had promised. She couldn’t think about the conversation with Tommy any longer. She had thought about it the entire journey to London but she swept it aside, promising to let herself be upset later as the butler took her coat and Mosley joined her in the hallway. 

He appeared from behind a door that she assumed was an office of sorts. He was impeccably dressed as always, a cold and unfeeling smile beneath his moustache.

As he always did when he met Ailbhe, he reached for her hand which she reluctantly gave. A kiss on the back of it and a nod.

“Mrs Shelby, a pleasure as always” 

Ailbhe pulled her hand back swiftly, as soon as was polite and stepped away from him. She hated the man with every breath he took and Finn somehow hated him even more. 

She smiled politely. That was the best she could do.

“You are always such excellent company” 

He remarked slyly, extending an arm in the direction he wanted to guide her in to join Ada and his fiancéé. Ailbhe stepped ahead of him. He followed. 

“Yes, well with the amount of time you spend down Rafter’s street I am quite sure you are a good judge of what constitutes ‘good company’” 

She replied, with a raise of her eyebrows. She had smelt the cheap perfume on his clothes as soon as he stepped in the door. And Finn’s informants had been following him too. He visited the brothel behind the Poplar Docks every day, sometimes more than once. He had an account there, one that racked up such a bill he had to pay every week. 

“Yes, well one must have a little fun before being chained in the manacles of marriage, lest we be left with regrets…Mustn’t we?” 

He retorted, bouncing back after his initial surprise at her comment. He often forgot how much Ailbhe Shelby always seemed to know. She seemed to pride herself on feeling like she was one step, if not several ahead of everyone in the room.

Ailbhe didn’t like his remark.She felt like  marrying Finn was more of a breaking of chains than a binding. Being Mrs Shelby was perhaps the best thing that had happened to her and the very last thing she had were regrets about saying yes to Finn’s proposal.

“I’m sure some must, Mr Mosley… although I am quite glad I am not one of them” She replied with a tight smile, glad to reach the end of the corridor.

"Mrs Shelby, just one thing" He paused before opening the door for her, lowering his voice.

Ailbhe halted. She didn't like to spend any longer than necessary with him but she was quite sure she wanted to hear what he said.

"Its about your brother... It is something we might have to discuss at a later date if he does not..."

He paused, in search of a word most appropriate.

"Refine his social circle... We are a people who must remember who we are... who we are above... who we are better than"

Ailbhe had no idea what he was talking about. Causing trouble was always Liam's forte however since marrying Ada, his social circle included few but his family. Niall kept out of the more political side of their family, being content to run his pubs and work with Finn on the race tracks. Niall had never seen any need for more money and more power after they had beat Billy Kimber. And so, Ailbhe did the best she could. She smiled at Mr Mosley and nodded.

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