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Finn and Ailbhe - Extras / One shots - Written while I missed my favourite couple and waited impatiently for Season 6

Winter, 1929

All things considered, Finn had been in worse shape. It hurt to breathe deeply, his head felt as though it had been hollowed out and stuffed with cotton wool and he dared not move for fear the pain would get worse. Isaiah had told him not to fight above his weight class. But that prick from Liverpool had goaded and taunted Finn until he found himself stepping into the ring with a man who Finn most definitely should not be fighting. Finn was undoubtedly punching above his weight and so even when he was named the winner after six rounds; he was in an unbelievable amount of pain. He could remember spitting blood past his gum shield and feeling a blinding pain in his side and shoulder. But it had gotten infinitely worse by the time Isaiah and arrived back to Small Heath where he promptly passed out cold.

He was sure to have slept for longer only for the voice of the only woman who he allowed to wake him.

-"... think for a second that I'd let you anywhere near him after a comment like that, you're not half as smart as you think you are"

Finn had known her long enough to know just by her tone she was furious. Her eyes were likely lit with a temper he had grown to love.

A much more timid voice was the response and yet Finn knew that the doctor should just have taken his leave. Trying to win an argument with Ailbhe was like trying to get Arthur to stay out of the snow. Pointless.

"I only meant to warn you that this ward is now under the watch of some extremely dangerous men - "

But he didn't get to finish her pointless warning.

"Oh, please!  I know all about the 'dangerous' men of Birmingham, Dr Mills. You're dismissed"

Finn was finding it harder and harder to pretend to still be asleep. He could practically see Ailbhe's eye roll at the word 'dangerous' and the elderly consultant rear up on the balls of his feet, his face twisting in an indignant scowl at being dismissed by a woman less than half his age.

Dr Mills clearly didn't know who the young woman was but he was sure to find out.

"Now listen here, young lady!"

He started. But he didn't even get to start whatever dressing down he was attempting to give Ailbhe since Finn heard the click of her heels and her voice raise.

"You are dismissed, Dr Mills! Unless you want the Shelby Kennedy Foundation to withdraw all funding from this hospital which includes that little project of yours in TB research, I suggest you hear me when I say – Finn Shelby is a top priority."

Finn felt a smile tug at his lips.

There she is. That's my girl.

He would have loved to have seen the look on the smug doctor's face when he realised who the young woman in front of his was.

The threat lingered in the air and when Dr Mills didn't respond, she continued.

"He will be given the very best of care and he will have no less than two men outside his door at all times. Two men who will not be bothered by you or your staff and if one single person tries to tell me I have no right to see him because I am not his family or next of kin, then I will refer them personally to you."

Finn thought over what she said. Tommy or Arthur must have sent two Peaky boys to stand guard in case the Billy Boys decided to take advantage of Finn's invalid condition. 

A silence followed. A subtle clear to the throat and a meek reply.

"Of course, Miss Kennedy"

Finn would have loved to have seen the satisfied glint in her eyes when she got what she wanted. He had always loved the little "hmmph" noise she made when she got exactly what she had wanted whether it was from their brothers, from him or some unassuming man who didn't realise how much of a lucky bastard he was to be chewed up and spat out by his Ailbhe.

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