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Ailbhe couldn't sleep. Not on her own. Not after the day she had.

It was cold and the still night outside the window was so silent she could hear the servants winding down for the night. She had brought two of the dogs upstairs with her but they had both fell asleep on the chaise by the window, uninterested in her. She tried reading. She tried shutting her eyes and burrowing down into the duvet. Nothing worked and her mind wouldn't stop reeling.

Black cats.

Gold rings.

A magpie squawking.

The sound of a woman sobbing.

It was unbearable and Ailbhe was almost glad when she heard the front door bang open and a commotion begin downstairs. It was almost two o clock in the morning but Ailbhe knew it had to be Finn.

She grabbed a robe and knotted it around her waist, padding to the stairs in her bare feet. Finn was arguing with someone, his voice sharp and impatient. But there was no responses to his warnings, just groans and exerted panting.

When she got to the top of the stairs she saw them. Finn had made it two steps with Arthur, barely conscious. Arthur's arm was slung over his younger brother's shoulder, held onto tightly by Finn who groaned under the weight of his un-cooperative and unconscious brother.

"What the -" Ailbhe gasped quietly to herself.

She had told Ada that Arthur was too fresh to be sent to Liverpool. He was held together by tape and glue, ready to break at any moment. It was too much.

But the way Finn looked up at her from the bottom of the stairs, lit only by the moon. It reminded her much too much of the little boy whose brothers had gone off to France and whose mother had stepped into the cut.

"Alv I didn't know what to - I couldn't leave him - I don't-" He had stuttered looking between his big brother who had just gotten sick on the carpet and his wife who stared between them.

The door behind the staircase that led to the servants quarter opened and two of the footmen as well as Cara emerged, having heard the noise and wanting to help.

"It's alright, go back downstairs. We've got it under control" Ailbhe promised them, quickly descending the stairs to meet Finn at the bottom.

Only then did she see the blood on Finn's face and the bruise blooming on his cheekbone. His bottom lip was split, dripping blood onto his chin and shirt collar. His hand that gripped Arthur around his middle was bloody at the knuckles and was sure to end up with bruising too.

"Mrs Shelby, are you -" One of the footmen tried to help but Ailbhe bothered them away, waiting until the door shut behind them and they were left alone.

"We're fine, thank you. Good night"

She knew Finn didn't want them to see that. Arthur being too drunk and strung out to stand was nothing new. But Finn's frayed nerves and the way his hands shook was not something he would like anyone to see.

"Liverpool was a mistake... Arthur couldn't-" Finn started to explain, tried to explain.

But Ailbhe hushed him, going to Arthur's other side and putting herself under his other arm to support the rest of his weight. Finn took most of it but Ailbhe helped them up the stairs and into the first empty room. Arthur groaned and mumbled incoherently but Ailbhe just shushed him.

"It's alright Arthur, just go to sleep" She whispered, pulling his shoes off his feet and rolling him into the middle of the bed.

He smelled of whiskey and vomit. And although he was likely passed out, Ailbhe swore she heard her name and Finn's in the midst of his mumbling. She put the empty coal bucket beside his bed and loosened the tie around his neck.

Crown of a Prince (Finn Shelby)Where stories live. Discover now