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Tommy's house felt a lot more comfortable to them all when it was just them. There were no unwanted guests it was just family, proper family. They were all there, including Aberama, Bonnie, Jeremiah and Isiah. It was everyone they trusted all in one room, the real Peaky Blinders. Niall, Liam and Ailbhe had arrived the same time as Bonnie and Aberama. Bonnie had nodded at Ailbhe, tilting his cap at her as they walked in. She was glad to see him at the meeting, it really felt like he was family now.

"Niall Kennedy, the man who can't be killed" Aberama exclaimed, throwing his arms up when he saw the Kennedy siblings.

Ailbhe rolled her eyes, knowing Niall had been laughing about his resurrection ever since he had reappeared. Somehow the grief and tears over Niall and Arthur had been swept under the carpet and it was just a part of Tommy's plan. Although she had made Tommy swear that he wouldn't lie about something so serious again. It wasn't fair to them, to anyone.

She watched as Niall told Aberama all the vicious details of how the Italians had tried to strangle him with a piece of rubber pipe and left him for dead.

"I never got to say congratulations the other night" Ailbhe leaned in to tell Bonnie as they walked into Tommy's foyer.

Frances was there to welcome them and there were even two footmen to take their coats. It felt like they were really starting to move up in the world. It felt quite strange, but Polly had told them to get used to it. Although Ailbhe still felt quite uncomfortable with it. It didn't seem right for her to be waited on hand and foot while her fellow countrymen and women died across the sea to fight to be rid of their oppressors. Tommy told Ailbhe they were on their side, they were the working class who had decided that they wouldn't be the forgotten and the downtrodden anymore. But Ailbhe couldn't help but still feel drawn to Ireland's fight, to feel disdain and anger towards the British government and the atrocities they forced upon Ireland.

Bonnie looked at her, slipping off his coat and handing it to a footman, along with his hat. He smiled gratefully. She snapped back to reality, looking back to him when he spoke.

"Thanks, Alv. I guess a lot else was going on" He admitted laughing, remembering that he had been pulled out of the ring and told not to let anyone near Ailbhe and Lizzie.

He had felt in shock when they told him Arthur and Niall were dead. It hadn't felt real and he was so glad when he was told it hadn't been.

"Well, my brothers had apparently been murdered so..." She replied, rolling her eyes in their direction and laughing with him as they walked towards the sound of the music and chatter.

They were in the small drawing room, more comfortable in the quieter and less formal environment. When they entered, Ailbhe noticed how Ada put her head down taking a suspiciously long sip from her drink.

Liam hadn't opened his mouth about the events of the morning. Ailbhe had asked him what happened, why it happened, would it happen again, had it happened before. But every question she asked got the same answer - "Fuck off Ailbhe."

She had dropped it for now but she wanted to know more. She knew that Ada and Liam had always been extremely close. Liam was Karl's godfather and had been friends with Ada since school. Ailbhe had always wondered if there was something there between them but Ada had only ever had eyes for Freddie and Liam had never shown any bother towards it.

"Now the party is really starting" Isiah piped up when he saw the Kennedy's arriving.

"Alright trouble?" Arthur cheered, already more than a few whiskies in and happy to see Ailbhe and her brothers.

Ailbhe noticed Linda's sour face, not as happy to be there as the others. Johnny Dogs was pouring more champagne for Ada and offering it to Lizzie but she declined, winking at Ailbhe. She was minding the baby of course but only the women and Tommy knew so far. Tommy was sitting beside her, leaning on the arm of the chair Lizzie sat in. He leaned in, staying near to Lizzie and her hand on his. They looked happy.

"Can always count on a Kennedy to drink on" Johnny Dogs exclaimed, clapping his hands and laughing as he turned and poured out three whiskies.

He didn't mix them with water or anything else to take the burn away but pushed them into the three siblings' hands, expecting nothing less than a down in one sip.

"Sláinte" Niall cheered, winking at Ailbhe and tipping his glass off hers and Liam's.

They downed it in one, the familiar burn and warming sensation running down her throat and spreading over her body. It took the chill away at least from the cold car journey they had.

"You alright?" Finn's voice interrupted her, his hand slipping around her and resting in the small of her back.

She snapped out of it, nodding and smiling as she tore her eyes away from Ada who was now deeply engaged in conversation with Linda, avoiding Liam's eyes.

Finn passed the whiskey and water he had gotten for her into her hand and pressed a kiss to the side of her head, doing it before he knew what he was doing. With her, instincts usually overrode everything else. She took this drink a lot slower, knowing that she was barely sober from the night before and any more might have tipped her over the edge.

"You look unbelievable" he whispered, his hand sliding down her back and inhaling the heavenly smell of her perfume. The blue dress was all fringe and shimmer in the light, the matching headband was tied back under the long brown curls he wanted to pull on since he was a kid. She was so striking even the other men had to notice, Ailbhe wasn't a little girl anymore.

"Bonnie" Finn called out, beckoning him over and clapping him on the shoulder happily "We made double what we had expected the other night, we cleaned up."

Bonnie nodded, his smile almost innocent despite being such a warrior in the ring.

"Good" He grinned, passing Finn a drink he had poured for him "We're making real money now and that's only the start of it"

Ailbhe raised her glass up in Bonnie's direction, smiling

"To new beginnings" Ailbhe toasted, clinking glasses with both Bonnie and Finn.

She was so glad to see the two of them getting along. Ailbhe wasn't sure she would have ever been able to have both Finn and Bonnie in the room without thinking there would be punches thrown but they seemed to have become as thick as thieves in recent weeks. It seemed almost laughable now how Bonnie had kissed her and how Finn had once been jealous of them. Ailbhe saw nothing but friendship in Bonnie now and she knew from how relaxed he was, he saw the same in her.

"Right. Oi!" Tommy shouted, getting everyone's attention and standing up from his seat with Lizzie "Listen up! Before we go and eat, I'd like to say a few words".

The family quietened, turning in their seats and listening carefully.

"Last time we were all here, it ended badly" Tommy spoke carefully, knowing that his family didn't have fond memories in his home.

Isiah had been tackled to the floor where the footmen stood. Ada had been pinned to the wall by police where photos of her and Karl in Boston now hung. Finn and Ailbhe had been ripped apart and handcuffed only a few feet from where they stood then, his arm around her and her hand resting on his that sat on the curve of her waist.

But they had all come a long way since then.

Arthur and Niall hummed in agreement, remembering the beatings they took.

"But now we're in a happier place"

Tommy continued, looking around and not seeing the hatred and anger in their eyes anymore. They had forgiven him, learnt to trust him again and learnt that family came first and forgiveness was always the road to take. Tommy might not admit it, but he was happy to have his family back. They were his biggest strength. And the way he looked at Lizzie, Ailbhe knew they were also his pride. And that Lizzie and their baby would only tip the scales in favour of light and hope for Tommy.

"That's it" Tommy shrugged, raising his glass "Raise a toast!"

But Arthur and Niall had other ideas.

"Hold on" He spoke up, moving to stand up from his arm chair "A few words we wanna say from the heart and this time you're gonna let me finish Tom!"

He warned, remembering the last speech he had given at Tommy's wedding where he was shushed and made to quit while he was ahead. Ailbhe didn't remember it too clearly, she had been plied with champagne but she remembered very clearly how the next part had gone. It involved Finn and Ailbhe pressed up against a bookcase in their first ever kiss. Ailbhe smiled remembering it, thinking about how far they'd come.

"Now as you all know, Arthur Shelby and Niall Kennedy are dead" Arthur announced, standing up and moving beside Niall "Because of that. Tommy offered us a way out, new identities and to start a whole new life"

Ailbhe watched him, how Linda's face was sad and lonely looking. Ailbhe was surprised to find herself feeling sorry for Linda.

"So, we thought about it" Niall answered, raising a hand and clapping it on Arthur's back.

"But I've decided to stay... I stay with my family, all of my family"

He nodded at Liam and Ailbhe, but then at Tommy and Ada, Polly and Finn. They were all his family. And he wouldn't go anywhere without them.

But Arthur was a different story. Ailbhe knew that Niall would follow Arthur anywhere, he would walk into hell after him but Linda wouldn't want Arthur to stay. It was down to the wire now. Was Arthur going to go with Linda or was he going to be true to his family and to himself?

Arthur nodded, putting a foot up on Tommy's coffee and leaning down on it.

"And I ain't fucking going nowhere" He exclaimed, making a round of laughter and cheers sweep around the room.

Ailbhe felt a sigh of relief leave her body. She had lost enough brothers already.

"Our enemies are gone! Dead, all of them" Arthur exclaimed.

And for the first time in a long time, it felt true. Things felt safe and secure. Tommy had no more threats hanging over his head. It wasn't 'just one more job' or 'just this last killing'. They had a legitimate company and a legitimate life now for the most part. And now with the American market that Tommy was expanding into, they would soon have enough money to last them all.

"For the first time ever since me and my brothers, Tommy and John, Niall, Liam and Séan enlisted in the Warwickshire Yeomanry. We have peace"

The words were softer now. They had come a long way from the boys who enlisted. Ailbhe could barely compare the boys who had left to the boys who came back.

"So, I'd like to make a proposal to all of you, the Shelby Company Ltd" Arthur announced, gesturing to them all "To insist that Tommy here take some time off. It's time you took a holiday Tom, put your feet up"

Ailbhe watched Tommy. She wasn't sure what was in his eyes but it wasn't relief. Tom was a war dog, a tunneler and a warrior. Tommy didn't stop, he couldn't. He hadn't stopped since he stepped off the battlefield in France and Ailbhe wasn't sure what would happen to him if he did. He didn't know but he didn't want to find out.

"Wars over Tom, no one wants to kill us" Niall shrugged, raising his glass up with Arthur.

"To peace" Arthur toasted, followed by his whole family.

It reminded Ailbhe of how they sat around the Shelby kitchen table voting for peace right after John had been taken from them.

"To peace" They all toasted, raising their glasses and drinking to what they hoped would be a brighter future.

"Peace" Ailbhe whispered, raising her glass and taking a sip but peeking at Finn.

She leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to his lips, knowing that he too was thinking about the vote for peace, a time when they were so wrapped up in their conflicted emotions they had thought all they had was hate for each other.

Tommy cleared his throat again, wiping the confusing look off his face from earlier and nodding at Lizzie.

"Listen everybody, I have another announcement" He nodded at her, encouraged by her soft and gentle smile.

Johnny Dogs piped up; his hands busy filling another glass of champagne for Ada.

"Listen Tom, if this is about that stolen horse in Camden Town I hadn't a bit to do with it and sure we didn't know he was worth that much"

He started blabbering and admitting all sorts, making the others smirk and laugh.

"No Johnny it's not about that horse who by the way, was Ailbhe's horse anyway" Tommy retorted.

Ailbhe hadn't connected the dots until Tommy said it. She had gotten a phone call from one of their men in the stables in Camden Town saying one of her horses, the most expensive horse that Sheby Company Ltd had was taken during the night.

"You cheeky fucker" Ailbhe exclaimed, shaking her head and laughing at Johnny Dogs as he tried to worm his way out of it.

"You see Ailbhe, it was all the Lee boys' fault they were meant to mark the door of the horse with red paint and mark the ones we didn't want with blue paint but sure Erasmus is fucking colour blind and ..."

He tried to explain, his voice going at lightning speed and everyone laughed over him, drowning out the sound of his voice so Ailbhe could cut across him.

"Johnny, have my horse back by sunrise or give me three thousand pounds in cash, your choice" she told him, shrugging her shoulders and not being able to hide her smile.

"Anyway!" Tommy snapped, getting back the original attention he had called for "Lizzie and I are gonna get married"

Tommy announced and while Ailbhe knew it was because of the baby, she also saw happiness in Tom's eyes. Polly and Ada gasped, fawning over the ring while Arthur, Niall and Liam cheered for Tommy and poured him another drink. Ailbhe was happy for him, for both of them. They deserved a happy ending, more than anyone she knew.

"Another wedding eh?" Finn whispered over the rim of his glass, winking at Ailbhe "We have a good track record for Tommy's weddings"

She rolled her eyes, elbowing him into the side jokingly to shush him. She was bumped by Uncle Charlie, moving past her with a cigarette in his mouth and a glass of whiskey in his hand.

"Will you two stop making doe eyes at each other and come on, I'm fucking starving" He grumbled making his way towards the dining room.

"Love is in the air Uncle Charlie careful" Ailbhe warned him in a sing song voice and falling into step beside him, leaving Finn to walk in with Bonnie and Curly.

"That's not love, it's fresh air. We just aren't used to it in fucking Small Heath" he muttered, pulling an ash tray from a table and taking it with him.

The maids and Frances had gone to a lot of trouble, more than they were worth and they knew it. Ailbhe tried to stop the boys from moving place settings and name cards, throwing the beautifully written cards into the fire place and pulling seats next to each other and moving glasses. It had been a nice idea but Ailbhe knew her family were not going to perform and play the role of the upper-class citizens Tommy sometimes forced them to be.

"It just isn't our style I suppose" Lizzie remarked, standing beside Ailbhe as they watched Finn and Bonnie light cigarettes off of the candles and as Liam cut the end of a cigar off with his bread knife.

"Not when we don't have to, Mrs Shelby" Ailbhe laughed, linking her arm through Lizzie's and noticing the smile on her face.

Lizzie was starting to show now, only when you really looked for it but there was definitely a bump there beneath the silk of her dress.

"That's going to take some getting used to" Lizzie laughed quietly, looking down into her glass.

She wasn't sure she would ever get used to being called Mrs Shelby, being Tommy's wife and not just the woman who he visited to keep the darkness out.

Ailbhe knew she was nervous; it was a lot to take in but it was what Lizzie had always wanted. Even if the circumstances weren't ideal, it could be the start of a better life for them both.

"To new beginnings" Ailbhe looked at Lizzie, raising her glass to her as Lizzie just toasted with a glass of water and whined about how much she was dying for a vodka tonic.

Ailbhe did as she was told, taking the seat beside Finn and joining his conversation with Liam. They were arguing over the next races and the odds that Finn had come up with but it was in the good natured and brotherly way they always argued. Ailbhe sat back with Finn's arm across the back of her chair and she just listened in. It was a happy evening, full of hope and yet there was a collective relief in the room too, that they had come so far without anyone else being taken from them, that the Peaky Blinders had won again.

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