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Ailbhe preferred to keep her home private. She didn't like hosting big parties or fundraisers in her house and she rarely extended meeting invitations to people she did not know or trust. She liked that it was just hers and Finn's.

But she had too much to do and the journey to the office seemed unnecessary. Her home office was one of the smaller rooms in the house, kept small and cosy as best she could. Cara sent one of the footmen up with tea and to check on her throughout the day but she worked quietly and slowly got through her meeting list one by one.

It consisted of foundation board members, race track owners, the gin distiller's shop steward and more. She had to put on her bravest face and it was a relief to finally do something she was good at.

Tommy had stormed in around midday, not having made an appointment of course but thankfully, no one was with her. He was furious and exhausted, his entire energy was frantic and reckless.

"Where is Finn?" he had barked.

Ailbhe knew that Finn was out with Charlie. They had gone off at dawn, hunting a stag. But she wasn't going to spoil their day, not when Finn looked as though he needed the break just as much as Charlie did.

"I know he's behind what happened to McCavern"

Tommy had barked, slamming his hands on Ailbhe's desk before she pushed out of her seat, standing opposite him and refusing to back down.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

Tommy's nostrils flared. Now she was lying to him too. She was slipping away from him. He could feel it. And it was like being left adrift.

And yet a part of him was glad of it. 

If she was his sister as she had been all these years, he would surely drown her. Better for her to be Finn's wife as he would keep her afloat as he always had.

He had left in a temper, knowing Ailbhe had meetings and appointments. And she was looking more like herself than she had in weeks. Perhaps she was sleeping. It was more than he was doing.

She slept soundly that night she had fallen asleep in Finn's arms. And she had continued to sleep well every night since thanks to her husband and his never ending patience for only her.

Every morning she woke in bed, still curled up around him as though they were still wedged into the little bed in Finn's room in the old Shelby house on Watery Lane. And he was still there, one arm stretched across the pillow above their heads and the other around her bare midriff, underneath the silk of her camisole. Even in the dead of Winter when the cold was unbearable and Ailbhe wore full pyjamas to bed, he would find a way to have his hand under the fabric and against her bare skin.

She was hoping to wind up for the day when a knock at the door dragged her attention away from the latest letter from Tommy's accountant.

"Mrs Shelby" - Leo appeared from behind the door, an unsure look on his young face - "It's a doctor from the Sanatorium, he said he has an appointment"

Ailbhe had hoped to put him off for another while but on the phone he had been very insistent. And he had asked for a meeting with her before the sun had set. She obliged, wishing she didn't have to.

She had almost gone the whole day without thinking about Ruby's illness and how Ailbhe missed her. And speaking to her doctors would surely dredge it all up again.

Ailbhe beckoned Leo with her hand, voicing her thanks.

The man who came from behind the door was not one of the doctors who had examined her or Tommy, nor was he one of Ruby's doctors. But he carried himself with an air of importance, holding a briefcase in his hands. It was expensive leather and his suit was well-made.

Crown of a Prince (Finn Shelby)Where stories live. Discover now