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"Behave" was the only warning Tommy had given her. She wasn't sure in what sense he meant it, but she knew they all had to be on best behaviour. Niall had been wrangled into black tie and Liam had been forced to promise not to start any races or fights to bet on. Ailbhe wasn't sure what she was promising to do but she felt like she'd know it when she saw it. 

It was already dark when they pulled up to Tommy and Lizzie's home in the country but the house was lit up magnificently. There were footmen and two of the maids waiting outside, to take coats and guide people into the house in case they lost their ability to see apparently. Ailbhe still found it strange sometimes, how they lived now compared to life before. Ten years ago. 

"Jesus Christ, a ballet for Lizzie Stark. We have come a long way" Niall muttered under his breath, sure to speak in Irish so the staff wouldn't understand him.

Ailbhe knew Niall was only joking, that he had quite a soft spot for Lizzie after being forced to walk her to and from work for every time that Tommy was convinced that they were all in danger. He used to think she was cold and prickly, only tolerating her most days because Tommy said so, and because she was so kind to Ailbhe. After being all but abandoned by their mother, Niall had been at a loss with his sister. But Lizzie had always been there to help and to make sure Ailbhe always had someone to turn to.

And so from their time together, Niall had grown quite fond of her. So much so, he refused to let younger or less experienced men watch over her. She was a lot cleverer than anyone ever gave her credit, noticing things other people missed. She also was sharp as a tack and was witty enough to even make Niall's serious demeanour crack sometimes. 

Looking around them, even Ailbhe had to admit they really had come a long way. Lizzie was the lady of the house now, wife to an MP and one of the richest men in Birmingham.

"From illegal gambling dens to the fucking ballet with the British aristocrats. We have come a long way" Liam replied with a smirk on his face as he slipped off his coat and handed it to the footmen who stood with his arms open.

The staff looked between each other, not understanding a word the Kennedy's said and just hoping it wasn't a conversation about them.

The voice behind them grabbed their attention and made all three siblings turn around to face their addresser.

"Well, I had not realised I was invited to a night of Irish culture displays"

Oswald Mosley. A pleasure as always, Ailbhe thought to herself.

Niall and Liam turned to finally look him straight in the eye. They hadn't seen him up close before, only in photos and while doing some research for Tommy while they followed him around London to find out where he went and with who he went there. They didn't like him on principle, of course. Tommy had told them the kind of man he was and what morals he held, what he thought of their home country and what he wanted to do to it. Niall and Liam Kennedy saw Oswald Mosley as they saw most things, in black and white. 

But what really made them decide that Oswald Mosley should die at the hands of the Peaky Blinders was the way he looked at their sister, the way he reached out for her hand to kiss and she reluctantly gave it to him with a tight smile.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?" Mosley tilted his head, never taking his eyes off Ailbhe as he pressed a kiss to her gloved hand and almost reluctantly gave it back.

Ailbhe kept a calm face, not wanting him to think he could bother her or make her skin crawl as he did. In truth, anyone's hands on her made her skin crawl unless it was Finn or a friendly touch from her family. Apart from that, Ailbhe despised being touched even if it was polite. 

"Niall, Liam this is Sir Oswald Mosley. He works with Tom" Ailbhe nodded towards the member of parliament who undoubtedly despised to be introduced as Thomas' co-worker but she didn't care. Anything to get under his skin.

"Mr Mosley, these are my brothers. Niall and Liam Kennedy" She gestured towards them, both looking as menacing as always.

While Niall was taller, stronger and looked more physically intimidating, like he could throw you through a window if he didn't like you, Liam had a different edge. Liam had perfected the look of someone who saw straight through you, who would never let you get away with anything. And his eyes were dark and unsettling, like Ailbhe's without the brightness that made her look almost innocent.

Mosley was clearly outnumbered as he looked between them, trying to see a weak link. But it wasn't as easy as he had hoped. The Kennedy siblings looked as thick as thieves like nothing could put a wedge between them. He knew from his digging around them that both their parents were dead and had been for years.

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