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Ada took the news extremely well. She told them her father had been dead to her for years. She always felt irrelevant to him anyway, the child he never got around to she used to call herself in regards to him. He wanted sons, big strapping young men who would do as he told them and be exactly like him. Luckily, the boys had turned out nothing like their father and his name would die with him now that John chose not to pass on his name.

Polly left around 9 o clock, dressed in her best clothes and wearing the new lipstick that Tommy had brought her from New York. She told the girls not to wait up for her, that she had her own key but neither of them expected her to be home until the morning. Ailbhe was glad. Polly deserved a little happiness.

Over dinner they spoke about the Russian business and what Tommy had planned for that afternoon. He was going to kill the priest he believed to be betraying them. They hadn't heard from Tommy since but always operated that no news was good news.

Although there was a considerable age gap between Ada and Ailbhe they had always gotten along well, acting more like sisters than friends as they grew up. Now the age gap seemed inconsequential. With Karl asleep and Ada in her own environment, relaxed and calm she seemed just like she had when she was younger and free.

Sitting by the fire, both girls barefoot and with their hair down they laughed and talked about things that didn't concern Russians and robberies, the Italians and their revenge plans. It was simple and Ailbhe didn't realise how much she had needed it. They drank champagne and talked about the future, how they longed to see America and how they wanted to be free and independent.

"Ada?" Ailbhe called out to her, as she put a record onto the gramophone.

"Yeah?" she responded, her delicate fingers fixing the needle and focusing on it, before looking over her shoulder at Ailbhe.

"When did you know... about Freddy? When did you know it was real?" She asked, her eyes avoiding Ada's and her fingers dancing along the rim of the glass.

Ada paused. She put her drink down, looking over her shoulder at the girl she loved like a little sister. She joined her, sitting by the fire and reached over gently touching her hand.

"Ailbhe..." she whispered, as if anyone could hear them despite being alone.

"Are you pregnant?" she asked tentatively.

Ailbhe's face fell, confusion washing over her before she started smiling, then laughing and then creasing herself hysterically.

"No!" she spluttered out between laughs as Ada took a deep sigh of relief.

"Oh, thank God" she sighed, picking back up her drink and taking a sip from it.

"I just... like someone" she answered, shrugging it off nonchalantly. This was perhaps the biggest understatement Ailbhe had ever said. She knew it was more than just a crush.

Ada smiled. Ailbhe worked so hard, she did so much for others and always put others first. Ada was glad she had someone special, even if it was her brother. Ada had known for years about Ailbhe's crush on Finn and his on Ailbhe. Maybe other people noticed too but were too busy with other matters to wonder what was happening with the two best friends who were inseparable and incredibly protective over each other. But Ada had seen it. Maybe because she knew all the telltale signs to look for.

"Freddy always said he loved me when we were kids. He asked me for a kiss, every year on his birthday" She told Ailbhe, her expression being nostalgic and happy rather than grief stricken and sad.

Ailbhe felt a smile tugging at her lips. She remembered Freddy well when they were kids. He was tall and skinny, all long limbs and big grins. He used to pull the ribbons out of Ada's hair and tell her he would give them back if she gave him a kiss. She never gave him that kiss, but gave him plenty slaps. It never discouraged him though.

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