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She found him in his office, having cleared everyone out of the betting shop when he had gotten rid of Chang’s woman. He was pacing in front of his desk, clearly furious and still full of adrenaline.

It was all pumping through his veins, the line of snow he’d done when Ailbhe left, the whiskey he’d been drinking with Billy, the adrenaline from having a gun against his temple and the rush of terror and rage when they said they had already grabbed Ailbhe from the streets, that she had a gun to her head and they wouldn’t let her go unless Tommy and Finn did exactly as they were told.
Finn had been sitting at his desk, waiting for Ailbhe to come back when there was a knock on the door. He had gone to open it, eager to see her and feel her. It had been a long week without her and all Finn thought about was being buried in her, feeling her grip his shoulders and dig her nails in the way she did when she was close. All he wanted was to have her back, feel at home. But it wasn't her.

Chang’s woman pushed into the room, a gun under Finn’s chin before he knew what was happening. Scudboat had been under the impression she was a whore Finn had ordered. While Scudboat had thought to himself Finn really was a stupid man to be disloyal to Ailbhe. Most people in Small Heath had seen her lose her temper and it was enough to make Scudboat know he never wanted to get on her wrong side. But he had kept his mouth shut and let her in.
However, Finn was furious that Tommy would even insinuate that Finn was bringing whores to his office. If Ailbhe believed him, if she thought Finn would touch anyone but her, he didn't know what she would think. She would surely be furious. Finn could feel his mind race and scramble to get a coherent thought. It was all happening at the same time, smashing into each other inside his head.
Ailbhe followed him back to the betting shop, knowing it was empty except for his own office that he paced the length of, running his hands over his head and a gun in his hand. When he heard footsteps, he spun around pointing the gun at the door only to relax and drop it when he saw who it was, when he saw the brown curls and red skirt that seemed more exciting than anything in Small Heath ought to be.
“Fuck, Finn it’s just me” She snapped, waving at him to drop the gun which he did immediately, tossing it onto his desk.
“I thought they were gonna kill you” He sighed, feeling that he was pale and practically coming out in a cold sweat at the thought.

If the Chinese had killed Ailbhe, if anyone had, Finn knew he wouldn't ever be the same person again. He wouldn't send another day on this Earth sane nor sober if she was dead and it was his fault. He wasn't sure what would kill him first, the lonliness or the guilt. But it had been a lie, she was fine and she stood in front of him perfect.
“I thought they were gonna kill you” She told him, her cheeks flushed and full of adrenaline just like he was.
He took a minute to just look at her, feel it sink in that she was fine, she was alive and she was standing right there.
“I didn’t ask for her Ailbhe. I’d never do that, I don’t fucking do that” He found himself telling her, trying to make his voice sound as calm as possible but it didn’t work.
He needed her to see he was telling the truth.
“I know Finn” She believed him, of course she did. She knew when he was lying but she knew that Finn wasn’t like that, not to her.
She could still feel her heart hammering in her chest, her mind barely able to keep up with what was going on and her whole body felt like it had been shocked awake with electricity.
They stood there a moment, just looking at each other. Ailbhe felt so turned on, she felt almost embarrassed about it. Finn was standing in front of her, jacket thrown to the side and his shirt sleeves rolled up so she could see how his veins protruded in his forearms. He was practically panting he was breathing so heavily, nostrils flared and eyes practically glowering as he looked at her.
She had thought he was going to die and now all she could think about was having him fuck her against the door. All she could think about was being wrapped around him, whether it be in his bed or on the floor of his office she didn't care anymore. As if he could read her mind, Finn closed the distance between them instantly, grabbing her by the neck and yanking her in to collide with his body and meet his lips in a clash of utter heat and passion.
Finn grabbed at her, with an almost primal desire he held her hips, pulling her in against him to feel the harness of his erection on her lower abdomen. She almost smirked. It clearly wasn't just her feeling the heat and intensity of what had just happened.

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