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Charlie Strong’s yard at nine o clock. They were all summoned. Ailbhe came with her brothers, both men wearing black out of respect for Bonnie. Ailbhe too had pulled out her black dress, sick of the sight of it since they had dragged it out for Grace’s, for John’s, for Niall and Arthur’s. They were all in mourning for Bonnie, in support of Aberama but also in grief of him. Bonnie Gold was quiet and unassuming, he kept to himself and wasn’t really in the business of making friends. And yet he had won over Ailbhe, Finn and Isiah, making them realise what a bright and kind person he was.  He was Jade’s husband, he was Aberama’s son therefore he was important to them all.
The others were already there, Polly and Michael stood together while Arthur, Tommy and Finn stood opposite them. Jeremiah and Isiah came soon after, staying by Finn and Tommy’s sides. Ailbhe’s brothers stood either side of her around the little fire Charlie and Curly had lit beside the forges. Finn gave Ailbhe a slight nod, she nodded back. She was alright. The events of the night before had shocked them all to their core.
After getting Jade to calm down and to go to the hospital with Aberama so his shoulder could be tended to and so her own injuries could be assessed, Ailbhe was driven home by Tommy. Tom barely spoke the whole drive home, chain smoking and his hands gripping the wheel as though it kept him clinging to reality. But Ailbhe didn’t go home. She went to the house across the lane, into Finn’s room and into his bed where she sobbed and cried. She soaked Finn’s shoulder and then his pillow and racked her brain for answers as to how she had been so stupid as to not see it coming.
The magpie dream, the ring of gold. It was a warning about Bonnie Gold, of course it was. Finn managed to reel her back in, telling her that there was nothing she could have done to stop it and that Bonnie’s fate was sealed always. That didn’t mean Ailbhe had to like it. She fucking hated it. And although she had stopped her tears, her eyes were still red and if looks could kill, her family would be a pile of bodies. She was furious with the world and wanted the Billy Boys heads on spikes.
It was also Polly’s birthday and she held in her hand the small posy of flowers that Finn had gotten her.
“We all here?” Tommy asked, looking around and seeing that with the Kennedy’s arrival they were all present.
“Curly, pour some beer, eh?” Tommy requested, nodding at him and lighting a cigarette.
“The train to London leaves in an hour. Arthur, Michael you’re coming with me” Tommy announced, letting Ailbhe breathe a sigh of relief. She was glad she didn’t have to go. She didn’t want any more encounters with Mosley.
“Fucking London, what’s in London?” Arthur grumbled, hating the city with a passion. He’d rather stay in Birmingham, where the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t.
“Someone you can’t lose your temper with Arthur” Ailbhe warned him, knowing that if Mosley could get under her skin he could definitely get under Arthur’s. And Arthur was less likely to keep a lid on his temper than she was.
“Tommy, I have to take Gina to the hospital today” Michael interjected, clearly not understand that Tommy’s statement wasn’t a question.
Tommy ignored him, as did the rest of the family. Ailbhe didn’t have the patience for Michael today. She accepted the tin cup that Curly passed to her, making his way around and handing out mismatched cups.
“A week ago, one our most trusted men was killed by Jimmy McCavern. Bonnie was Jeremiah and Isiah’s kin and the Gold’s are our allies. Therefore, it was an act of war”
Tommy announced, keeping his eyes down. Ailbhe noticed how Jeremiah and Isiah’s faces gave away their first emotions. Anger. Their daughter and sister had been left widowed and heartbroken because of this bastard McCavern and they wanted him to pay.
“The man we’re going to speak to in London is establishing a relationship with Jimmy McCavern. So, cancel your appointments and Ailbhe can...”
Ailbhe interrupted Tommy, holding up her hand at him
That was all she uttered, her green eyes cold and unyielding. They were a little red and watery but they weren’t forgiving and Ailbhe had no intention of taking Gina anywhere except for a long walk off a short pier.
“Ada can take Gina to the hospital” Tommy corrected himself, knowing better than to push Ailbhe when she was like this.
Ailbhe was always stubborn but there was something about her since she had come home from New York. She was fragile, not like a flower but like a bomb. And they knew better than to push her.
“Cause that’s what women do” Arthur interjected, a smirk on his face.
“Shut up Arthur” Ailbhe rolled her eyes, drinking back the warm beer Curly had poured for them.
“Some women. Sorry sister” Arthur corrected himself, sarcastically apologising.
Ailbhe wasn’t a typical woman. Not to any of them. Neither was Polly for that matter.
“And Michael, clean that shit off your shoes before you get in me car, eh?” Tommy said to Michael, not even looking at him when he spoke.
Michael wasn’t back in the family yet and he had a long road to take before he made it.
“Michael, they will give it and give it until your case is proven and then they’ll take it. From you, but mainly from me!” Polly promised him, knowing that if Ailbhe had a say in it, Michael wouldn’t ever get back into the family. But she kept faith.
“Polly, you go to the hospital and speak to Aberama Gold” Tommy ordered, turning his attention to his aunt “You tell him there is a strategy in place to avenge the death of his son, so not to do anything rash. And take with you, the heartfelt condolences of the whole family”
Of course, Tommy had chosen Polly. She might be the only person he would listen to.
“Why me?” She asked, as if it wasn’t obvious enough already.
“Because Aberama Gold is in love with you. He even got a haircut” Tommy stated, as though it was common knowledge.
“And the smell of your perfume might help ease his pain” Tommy added, making his brothers smirk and laugh.
“Tommy, I’m forty-five years old today” Polly scolded him, as if love had an age limit.
“Forty-five years old and still breaking hearts, eh?” Tommy smirked, putting his glass up in the air.
“To Polly” Ailbhe joined in the toast as they lifted their glasses to her. But there a sadness hanging in the air. Bonnie was gone and it was so unfair it stung.
“Ailbhe, do the same for Jade.” Tommy added, nodding towards Ailbhe.
Jade needed to be reassured that Bonnie’s death would be avenged and yet Ailbhe doubted that would do anything to ease the pain that Jade felt.
“Polly, you can give him some good news at least” Ailbhe told her, looking up and realising everyone’s eyes were on her.
Jade had known for a few weeks, only telling Bonnie and then telling Ailbhe in a letter. She was so excited to tell everyone but wanted to do it in person, when the time was right. And yet now she didn’t care about all that. She just wanted Bonnie to walk back in the door.
“Jade is pregnant... I had a dream last night about four magpies. So, I think it’s a boy” Ailbhe announced, telling them about her suspicions even though her voice was hoarse.
Jeremiah and Isiah already knew, having been told by Jade themselves but it was news to the rest of them. Ailbhe knew Jade wouldn’t mind her telling them, she wanted them to know she just didn’t have the strength to tell anyone yet. But it was good news. And they needed good news.
“Jesus Christ. First Ada, then Gina, now Jade. There’s something in the air Ailbhe you better be careful” Arthur joked, looking across at Ailbhe who scowled and rolled her eyes.
“Shut up Arthur” Niall snapped, shouldering him. He didn’t want to think of his sister getting pregnant, not when he was barely used to the fact she had a man in her life.
“So, Bonnie’s spirit lives on” Tommy nodded, raising his glass up again to toast Bonnie and the spirit he was passing on to his son.
It was happy news but sad news. The reality was that while Jade was pregnant and it was joyous, Bonnie would never meet his kid, would never hold him or know him. But they had to take what shreds of happiness they could get.
“Curly, organise a wagon to take Bonnie Gold’s soul to heaven” Tommy asked of Curly, knowing that it was how Bonnie would want to go.
“Isiah, Finn. Fetch his boxing gloves from the gym to burn with his body” He nodded towards Isiah who looked fit to kill. He had seen his sister in the hospital, how she was stained in Bonnie’s blood and was in an almost catatonic state from watching her own husband be crucified right before her eyes.
“Michael, turn the Bentley around. We have a train to catch” was Tommy’s last orders, not received well by Michael.
Arthur wasn’t helping matters by laughing nor was Charlie by throwing a dirty rag at him to wipe his shoes. But Ailbhe didn’t care much for him. She also knew there were more things to worry about than the tone Tommy took with Michael.

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