Ruby Shelby died in one of the worst storms Birmingham had seen in years.

It was nearing midnight. Ailbhe was sitting on the rug in front of the fireplace, one of the dogs in her lap as Finn told her more about the bizarre encounter with Hayden Stagg. They hadn't been able to sleep and settled in the small library in front of the fire, opting for the floor instead of the arm chairs.

She froze when the phone rang and they both went silent. Leo answered but he called for Finn straight away. Finn left the room, speaking in hushed tones with Leo whose face gave him away. Ailbhe stood at the doorway, picking at the skin of her nails until he turned to face her. And she knew.

"She's gone, Alv..."

They cried. Both of them.

Ruby had been perfect. She was kind and funny, she was good. She was innocent and she had deserved so much more than the few years she got. She deserved better.

She died in Lizzie's arms and the doctors promised she didn't feel a thing. But Ailbhe knew she must have been scared and confused, lost and alone in wondering why she was sick and why she wasn't getting better like everyone promised.

They sat on the stairs, tears falling into Ailbhe's lap and Finn resting his hand over his eyes. His arm was around her shoulders limply but she clung to his shirt sleeve and wept.

But the truth of it rang in her ears. The truth that her family had perhaps forgotten along the way.

Gold didn't save Ruby Shelby. Gold couldn't save any of them.


She doesn't remember much of the funeral. Only flashes.

Lizzie's heart wrenching cries at the flames.

The smell of smoke that seemed to make Ailbhe want to gag now every time she smelt it.

Charles' red eyes that matched his Uncle Charlie's who handed his hanky to Curly.

Finn's vice like grip on her hand.

The way Liam didn't let Beth out of his arms for even a second, never wanting to feel the pain that Tommy held in.

Finn wished he only remembered flashes like his wife did. He remembered everything from how Ailbhe's tears dampened her collar to how light the coffin was under his and Liam's hands. Arthur was too weak to carry it, being held up by Niall and Finn wasn't sure Lizzie was strong enough to stand without Tommy holding her up either.

When he went back to Ailbhe's side, Arthur to his left struggling to stand. He remembered how lifeless Tommy was as he asked Arthur to speak for him. Arthur couldn't. He was too weak or too upset, too wound up and strung out. Finn wasn't sure.

But Finn moved forward, wanting Tommy to know that Finn could be there. Finn could do what was needed. Finn could be Tommy's second like he always tried to be and seemed to always be denied of the chance.

But Tommy didn't even look at him. He didn't even consider his brother. And it twisted again like a knife that had been in his back for years already.

Tommy promised to do good in her memory. To be honest and better than he had been before. It was admirable but all Finn could see was his niece's coffin. All he could hear was more words from the man who had taunted some woman into placing a curse on his wife and his family.

And when Tommy pulled away from Lizzie, away from the light of the flames he grabbed Ailbhe's arm. He pulled her to Lizzie and Charles, told her to stay with them and listen for Ruby's voice. He held Lizzie's face in his hands, looked to his son and then to Ailbhe swearing to them.

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