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There was a type of truce called in the marriage of Finn and Ailbhe that night. They didn’t talk about the curse that Finn blamed Tommy for and that Ailbhe blamed herself for. They didn’t talk about their chances of conceiving a child nor what their futures held for them. In the days that followed, things seemed perfectly normal. Although she hadn’t been sure they would be when she woke.

When Ailbhe woke the following morning, Finn was already awake. This was the first time she could remember ever waking up to find him with his eyes already open. Finn was not a morning person, always staying in bed later than he should and whinging as soon as Cara knocked to wake them. He usually stayed in bed while she dressed, always following a battle to try to hold onto her and keep her under the covers him for ‘just five minutes’ as he always promised to make it worth her while. 

And while she was certain he would and she was guilty of succumbing to him on the weekends, on weekdays she would pull herself from his grip and press her lips to his before calling Cara. He would rouse slowly, stretching on his back to watch her with a lazy and relaxed look in his eyes. He would watch her in the mirror and read the paper or smoke a cigarette before going about his day. But having Finn awake before her was different. 

He was sitting up, his fingers running through her hair at her scalp. Her legs twined with his and despite being quite close together, Ailbhe worried there was a tension from the previous night.

“Good morning” she whispered, knowing her voice would be croaky but she didn’t want to startle him when he was so deep in thought.

His stormy eyes flashed down to look at her and although Ailbhe knew he had been thinking about their predicament he clearly was working hard to not show it on his face. 

Ailbhe wasn’t sure what to say, what could be said. 

Sure that the words would come to her she took a little breath


But whatever she was going to say was pushed back behind her lips by Finn’s. His lips were soft but the kiss was hard. It was purposeful and felt so necessary that Ailbhe wondered had Finn been waiting for her to wake just so he could do this. He kissed her like he needed to and she understood him when he held her neck in one hand and rolled closer to her so that he almost lay on top of her. 

Within seconds he was holding his weight on his elbows above her, his hands cradling her head and still having his fingers in her hair. And while it had been sweet and just like his way of saying good morning, it changed with the pressing of his weight down on her slightly, especially in his lower body and how his hands held her own above her head. 

Finn slept in just his shorts meaning his skin pressed against Ailbhe’s and she was grateful again for her husband’s warmth as well as the searing hot kisses he placed along her jaw and down her neck until he was at her chest.

Although Finn seemed intent on ridding Ailbhe’s mind of thoughts of anything but how obscenely delicious it was to have Finn’s weight pressed against her as he cupped her breast in one hand and swiped his tongue across the other. Her mind could not ignore the start of their morning ritual and the reason behind it all. 

Months previous, when Ailbhe had been sure there was a medical or professional opinion to be gotten about why she hadn’t fallen pregnant yet the doctor had plainly told her that in order to fall pregnant one must have copious amounts of sex. 

While Ailbhe was quite certain that the amount they were having was to be considered copious, Finn had been of the opinion that there was no better way to start a day and to fulfil this need than use the morning time as their own. Ailbhe was a woman who adored her husband and found him more handsome every day so the plan was perfect in her eyes.

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