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*Another spice warning xoxo*

She gathered herself, helped into her coat by Finn and his hand taking hers, leading her out to where she had left her car. He left her drive, knowing he had drank one too many to be behind the wheel. But he found himself desperately trying to hold in the laughs at her terrible driving. Luckily, it was late and the roads were quiet. He told her to drive to Artillery Square.
Ailbhe didn’t want to go to Finn’s, not when she knew what it looked like. It was cold and dirty, dark and damp. They had cleared out all the junk and rotting furniture but it was still a dive. It had a funny smell of damp and there was no furniture therefore she had no idea what kind of surprise Finn had for her. He covered her eyes, telling her to trust him as she heard him fumble with the keys and manage to unlock the door. He told her to take a few steps forward and she knew she was stepping into the house. Surprisingly, it felt warm and she could smell no damp only a light perfume smell that was gorgeous.
“Alright, surprise” Finn lifted his hands away from her eyes, placing them on her waist instead, wrapping around her from behind.
She felt herself subconsciously sink into his arms as she took in the transformation in front of her. It was phenomenal. It looked like a different flat entirely. There was new flooring, fresh paint on the walls, furniture in all of the space that had been empty. There was low light coming from the fireplace and it felt warm and even homey. It was an incredible transformation from the dark and dingy flat it used to be.
“Oh my God, Finn!” She gasped, grabbing his hands and turning around to look at him “It’s amazing, who did all this?”
He was smiling, proud of their hard work paying off and how much she clearly liked it.
“Me and Isiah did most of it, Curly and Charlie helped too. Charlie had most of this stuff in the yard, he was going to sell it but he gave it to me instead.”
He told her, looking around at the place that was all his now, even if he preferred to stay at home in their old house, he had this place now too. Ailbhe adored it, it was so quiet and calm.
“It’s incredible Finn” She admired, leaning back against him.
“So, are we gonna christen the new house or?” She asked, her voice teasing him as she spun around to face him, kissing the look of surprise off his face.
He leant into the kiss, his hand holding her by the neck against his lips and tilting her head up to reach him. Of course, he wanted to go further with her, he had wanted that for as long as he had known what further was. However, he had not wanted to push her, to pressure her into anything she didn’t want to do especially after everything she had been through lately.
Ailbhe pulled back from the kiss, trying to gauge his reaction. She worried she had been too forward, been too assuming. Maybe he didn’t like that, maybe that was unattractive.
She should have known that there was nothing she could do now to put him off her.
“I mean... If you want to... we can” She stuttered a little, her eyes giving away how she was actually quite nervous and unsure of herself.
He smiled at the girl, knowing that she was hard as nails on the surface but that she was soft and gentle underneath it all.
“Come here you” He muttered, pulling her in against him and pulling her in to kiss him by his hand on her neck, gripping but gently. The pressure only furthered Ailbhe’s desire that had started the moment he kissed her back at her house.
She saw him smile ever so slightly before crashing his lips to hers. There was nothing gentle about it at first. It was raw and needy as she pulled him towards her, trying to cover every part of herself with his body. His hand gripping her neck felt her pulse beating quicker against his fingers and he couldn’t but pull her closer. She felt his other arm snake around her waist, pulling her up against him so she was lifted clean off her feet. He smirked against her lips, hearing how she gasped when he picked her up. Her gasp allowed him to deepen their kiss, to take full advantage of her open mouth and push his tongue in against hers.
It was slower now, more controlled and yet still both passionate and firey. She was placed back down on her feet but their lips never divided as he backed her into the room beside them. It was obviously the bedroom Finn had picked. Ailbhe didn’t look away from Finn but she just knew the room had a lit fire and a bed. The decorating features would have to wait to be admired because she was too busy admiring the boy in front of her, how he looked so tall and strong before her, how he was so careful yet dominating with her.
She stood in front of him, beside the bed but still standing as he leaned in again to kiss her, only softly this time and just a peck.
“Are you sure Ailbhe?” He asked, his breathing heavy as he stopped kissing her to ask her a very important question.
He wanted her to be sure, to be certain that he was who she wanted to do this with. It would be their first times and he didn’t want her to ever regret it with him. He wanted her to be his first, he wanted her to be his last too.
She looked up at him. She looked in his eyes for anything that would make her want to change her mind but all she saw was love, desire and adoration. It was all she had wanted to see in him.
“I am” she sighed, her fingers tangling in the curls of his hair as she stretched up on her toes to have her arms around his shoulders.
“I don’t want anyone else, only you” she whispered, her forehead against his and the only noise being their breathing and the crackle of the fire.
That was enough confirmation for him, enough reassurance of how much she really wanted this. He knew she wanted it on a physical level, he had known that since the night of her birthday but he needed to know she would never regret it or wish she had felt different.
“Fucking hell, I love you” he sighed, making sure his lips found hers in a collision of heat.
His hand around her neck pushed back behind her head and took a fist of her hair in his hand and pulled her hair to give him access to her neck. That twinge of pain shot heat directly to the apex between her legs as he began kissing her neck, biting down slightly on the flesh of the crook of her neck. She couldn’t keep the moan in anymore, she left herself moan out into the empty house and reminding him that she was as intoxicated by him as he was by her.
Every noise she made, every pant, every moan and gasp of pleasure made Finn harder and harder. He couldn’t believe how quickly he responded to her body and all he wanted was to keep touching her.
“You used to fucking hate it when I pulled your hair” He laughed against the skin of her neck, making her body shake in laughter too.
It was true, but not anymore.
She sighed his name breathily as he sucked on her neck, letting his other hand move from her hips up her waist and under the shirt that she wore. He gripped the warm, smooth skin of her waist and pulled her against him. When he pulled her against him, she felt his hard bulge push up against her. She had never wanted anyone more and she doubted there was anyone else that could make her feel this alive and this wanted.
His hand moved up her ribs constricted by her shirt, therefore he pulled back. His fingers quickly undid her buttons, tossing her shirt aside just as she did his too. She pushed both the braces and the shirt sleeves down his arms until she could feel his smooth skin against hers. Finding her lips again, his hands found her breasts. Just as quickly as he had done it the first time, her bralette was floating to the ground. Her breasts had been aching for his attention since he kissed her. She felt like she could climax then and there, just from his teasing of her nipples.
Pulling back from his kissing of her neck she brought his lips to hers and focused her hand trailing down his chest and abdominal muscles. He immediately hissed through his teeth at her touch. She smiled, she liked knowing she had this effect on him. She wanted this, more than she had ever wanted anything and she didn’t care about all of the other white noise and the bigger picture. She wanted him; in every way you could have someone.
She slipped his belt open, his trousers falling to the floor so he could step out of them. He held her head as he kissed her, leaning her back until she laid on the bed. She pushed up, followed by him carefully as his lips never left hers. The room was quite dark but she could see him lit by the firelight and she knew she loved him; she knew she was sure.
“I love you” she murmured against his lips.
“I love you” he answered, as if it was the only answer he knew as he held himself over her on his hands.
The mere image of him over her, how he looked at her like she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen was enough to give her goose bumps and make her speechless as he wrapped his long fingers around her neck and kissed her. She let out a little groan when he pulled his lips away, leaving her desperate for more contact. She felt like her body ached for him, just needed some type of release.
She had never felt like this before and she didn’t think anyone else could ever make her feel like that. It was only him.
He smirked, knowing she wanted more from him and how she squirmed underneath his hands, how her thighs pressed together as she just wanted some ease. He slipped down her body, gripping her hips in his hands and leaning in to press his lips to the skin of her stomach, of her hip bones as he slid her shorts down her legs and cast them aside. Her breathing started to go a little ragged as he neared the place where she died for contact. Suddenly she could feel his breath against the sensitive bundle of nerves between her thighs as he pushed her legs open. Sensation exploded through her, turning her into a squirming and writhing mess.
Finn was nervous, he didn’t want this experience to be a let-down, to be only mediocre for her but he had hopefully been told enough by John and Isiah to prepare him. He looked up at her throwing her head back on the pillow and how her chest rose and fell when he ran his long, lean fingers up her slit.
She lay there, completely naked and panting, wanting him so badly. Despite being harder than he thought possible he wanted to see to her first. 
He held her hips in his big hands, keeping her still but she couldn’t help but writhe under his grip. She needed him and fast. Feeling his tongue at her entrance she all but shoved against his mouth. Licking his way up her slit until he came to the little bundle of nerves that begged for his attention. He took it into his mouth and sucked. She couldn’t stop herself, her hips bucked against him and she gasped, feeling the immense pleasure he gave her.
Finn smiled against her as she slid her hands into his hair and gripped even tighter. A string of curse words, he didn’t even understand escaped her perfect lips.
When she felt his finger slide inside her she thought she was going to explode but he kept her there, on the brink as he thrust a finger in and out. She wasn’t even sure what he was doing anymore but with his other hand pulling at the erect nubs on her chest and the feeling of everything he did to her was enough to bring her to the edge and over. The orgasm slammed into her, taking her suddenly into a state of utter bliss. By the time the climax had washed over her and she came back to reality Finn was back on top of her, keeping most of his weight on his forearms so he wouldn’t crush her.
He kissed her lips, her cheeks, her neck as she recovered from what was one of the most intense moments of her life. She blinked her eyes open and looked at him, her face as angelic and tempting as ever. To watch her unravel, see her come because of him and hear his name on her perfect lips. It was exactly the kind of addictive buzz he got from her that told him he couldn’t go back now, he wanted her more than anything he had ever wanted.
Her breathing was still ragged and her arousal could be smelt in the air but he felt her hand on his hip. Slowly she reached down and he felt her hand around his length as she gathered all of her confidence. She pushed his shorts down, leaving them to fall to the floor at the end of the bed. She watched as his eyes closed and he sucked in a sharp breath, just from her touch he was putty in her hands. Her thumb brushed over the tip of him and wiped away the dampness, letting her feel him pulsing in her hand before she started to move up and down.
The way he shut his eyes, how his head fell onto the crook of her shoulder and how his breathing became laboured, she knew it was good.
“I want you Finn...” she whispered, not daring to say it too loud despite them being alone.
She looked up at him, a look of vulnerability and slight nervousness on her face. He reached up, running his thumb along her cheek. He was nervous too but God he wanted it.
“Are you sure?” He asked, wanting to be certain that it was what she wanted.
She nodded, looking up at him, searching his face for anything that would change her mind but there was nothing. She was about to tell him to be gentle, to go slow and be careful with her but the way he looked at her with such care, how he leaned in and pressed the softest of kisses to her cheek she knew she didn’t have to tell him.
He hovered above her, kissing her again when she felt his hands spreading her legs a bit wider and his fingers rub against her.
“Just tell me if you want me to stop okay?”
He said against her lips, their breath mingling and her body aching for him. She nodded, knowing that some people had terrible stories about how they lost their virginities but she was ready.
She felt him brush his tip against her, driving her wild before he slid down her. She took a deep breath and looped her arms around his neck, letting him kiss her passionately when he pushed into her. It was a pain she didn’t really know how to describe; it was a pinching and a pressure inside of her since she was so tight and he was so big but his groan made it bearable.
“Fuck” he groaned, moaning into her neck and keeping still, only half buried inside of her and it was like she was made for him.
“Are you okay?” he asked her, his voice was so strained and raspy it was sexy. He opened his eyes to check and see how she was panting slightly and how her hands gripped his shoulders tightly.
She nodded and whispered “yeah” as he kissed her all over her face and neck and started to move inside of her. The soft and gentle way he held her and kissed her made her feel so safe and secure she wanted to tell him again how much she loved him.
He was careful not to fully enter her until she was used to the sensation. The pain was almost completely subsided when he moved inside of her and she felt a warm, familiar sensation inside her lower abdomen. Watching him above her, gripping the headboard tightly so as not to grip her neck too tight with the other hand she watched as he became undone. His breath was ragged and low, his eyes burning into hers before it became too much and he had to close them. She knew how much it took for him to go slow for her and be gentle but she felt overwhelming affection for him because he did this for her.
There was no more pain now only a slight sting when he pushed into her but Ailbhe had been impatient since birth and she gripped his shoulders tighter, her nails digging in slightly
“Are you sure?” he asked her again but she just pushed against him, nodding her head and whispering “I’m sure Finn... please”.
Still being careful but now knowing how much she wanted him, he pushed into her fully. She let out a noise that was almost between a cry and a moan but it was definitely in pleasure not in pain. Her moan only made him harder inside her if that was even possible.
Letting go of the headboard he wanted to feel her skin against his as much as possible in this moment. Holding her neck and kissing her, rubbing his tongue against hers as their moans fell into each other’s mouths he knew he was close to becoming entirely undone by her. Knowing he was close he nestled his head in the crook of her neck and bit down on her skin before swiping his tongue over the skin to soothe it. Her nails dug into his back and assured him she was moaning just as much as he was. He knew he was only seconds away and wanted her to be too, he wasn’t going to be able to hold off much longer since he had been carrying this thirst around with him since he kissed her on her birthday and before.
She felt the pressure building and building as he thrust inside of her, still being gentle but too soft that it made her feel like he thought her to be fragile. His hand suddenly moved away from her hip and his fingers moved with her hips making circles on the little nub of nerves between her legs, just above where they were joined. It was euphoric and the feeling spread warmth all over her. Suddenly, she let go all at once.
The combination of hearing the cry Ailbhe let out when she came, the way her nails dug into the skin of his back and how she clenched around him made Finn reach his climax. He had been holding off as best he could but in the end, he had to let go. He was so glad she had came too, that he hadn’t been a let down. He made sure to pull out, releasing on the soft, smooth skin of her stomach.
Making sure not to collapse on top of her, Finn kept his weight on his hands over her. He had never come so intensely and it seemed like it had been the same for her as she lay beneath him, flushed and panting, her hands looped around his neck. He leaned down and kissed her, softly and gently as if to make sure she was alright. He reached over to the table beside the bed, grabbing a tissue and wiping her stomach as he watched her recover.
“Are you alright?” he asked her, falling down to the side and wrapping his arms around her small waist, pulling her against him. She pulled the blankets up over them, covering up their bare bodies as they wrapped around each other.
She nodded, smiling a satisfied smile. She felt so content, so satisfied and like she was going to start glowing from the inside out.
“I love you” she whispered, her fingers trailing the edges of his face.
He was so handsome, all high cheekbones and sharp jaw lines, dark eyes and lips. He could look so severe and frightening to some, she was sure of it. But to her, he was her Finn. He was kind and gentle, soft and happy. Sure, he was a Peaky Blinder and when he lay there under her, pulling a cigarette lighter to his lips he could look intimidating to some but not to her.
“I love you” he whispered back, his hands trailing the skin of her back as she was lying across his chest, her chin resting on his chest.
As always, he passed the cigarette to her first. She took it, taking a puff and placing it back between his lips. He watched her lying across him as she ran her fingers up and down his arm in a move so comforting, he was sure it would put him to sleep. There was something so settling about how she looked at him, so certain and sure. Like she wouldn’t ever look at anyone else like that and she wouldn’t ever look at him in a different way.
“Stay tonight” He asked of her, his fingers playing with the ends of her hair.
She thought about it. There was nothing she wanted more than to sleep the night with him and wake up with him tomorrow. The night she had spent with him had been the best night’s sleep she had in a long time and she had no desire to leave now.
“If my brothers realise I didn’t sleep at home Finn...” She reminded him, trailing off her sentence because she wasn’t sure what they would do, but it wouldn’t be pleasant and could involve Ailbhe being locked in her room and the key being thrown away.
“You can go back early in the morning, they’re both passed out by now” He promised her, gripping her waist and kissing her cheek.
He made a compelling argument and Ailbhe just wanted to stay with him like that for a little longer, all night if she could.
“Alright” she conceded “But I’ll have to leave early because if anyone catches me, we’re both going to be in so much trouble Finn boy”
She laughed, feeling utter calmness in her body. She hadn’t realised how tense she had been for so long. The stress of the war with the Italians was so much pressure on all of them and Ailbhe had been through a lot recently. But the way Finn had been there, protecting her and standing beside her through it all made her realise how much they had grown up. The young man who had been too drunk and lost to go to her mother’s funeral was gone, he had grown up. And so, had she.
“Can I ask you something?” she wondered aloud, her feather like touch on his cheek sending him almost into a trance.
He nodded.
“Why didn’t you just sleep with a girl while I was in London?” She asked, her curiosity finally getting the better of her.
He was surprised by her question but knew he would have to answer it at some stage. Taking a deep breath and looking in her eyes that were so free of judgement he felt enough freedom to be honest.
“I thought about it, I almost did...a lot” he shrugged, stilling his hands on her but keeping them on her back.
 “I just could never go through with it... it was never like this” He explained, holding on tight to her, never pulling his eyes from hers.
“I just always knew you’d come back, even if you hated me when you did” He admitted.
She remembered how they had acted when she first came home. How they had sniped at each other, losing their tempers regularly and resulting in shouting matches more than once. But through it all the family knew what was really going on. If they didn’t care, they wouldn’t bother screaming and shouting, they wouldn’t bother to fight. They argued and snapped because they cared, because they still cared about each other. And if fighting was all they had left they would still do it, to cling to whatever scraps that remained.
“I knew I loved you even then” he continued, brushing the hair back from her face.
She felt her face start to ache from smiling.
“Even when I kept shouting at you?” She questioned, raising an eyebrow at him as she laughed with him.
“Especially then” he rolled his eyes, leaning in and kissing her again.
Even if just for an evening, the world seemed a happier place, without all the violence and vendettas outside. It was their night, just for two people in love. And if they could keep the world out until morning, it would be enough for them.

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