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"Ailbhe? Where are you?" Tommy had shouted, slamming the door behind him and storming into the office where Ailbhe was already sitting, already having started her day at work. She was taken aback by Tommy's entrance, looking up at him with wide eyes.
Finn was behind him, close on his heels as they swept into Ailbhe's office slamming the door behind them. Finn didn't look at her, he wouldn't meet her eyes and Ailbhe knew something was seriously wrong.

She hadn't seen him for two days since they were both so busy and she missed him but she hadn't wanted to see him like this. Two nights previous they'd spent hours in the stables as Finn checked on the horses and Ailbhe accompanied him, sitting up on the hay bales watching him work like they used to. It had been normal, nothing out of the ordinary. They had gone back to Finn's flat in Artillery Square, eating toast and sitting on the floor by the fire until they fell asleep together, half naked and wrapped around each other. The next morning was when Maggie had arrived on her doorstep and Ailbhe hadn't seen Finn since. She had almost gone to his door so many times, picked up the phone and tried to talk to him. But she didn't. She didn't know how to explain it, how to word it or rationalise why she had done what she had done.
"What is it? What's wrong?" She asked, looking between the two brothers who looked nothing alike and yet were more similar than they would ever admit.
Tommy was pale and sweating, his hand running over his head anxiously and his eyes were darting around the room like he expected someone to jump out at them.
"The yard is going to issue a warrant for your arrest as an accomplice to the assassination of Field Marshall Johnson"
The statement washed over Ailbhe as though Tommy had thrown a bucket of ice water over her.
Tommy only had to look at her to know it wasn't lies. She had been involved to some degree.
"Jesus Christ Ailbhe" Finn shouted, running his hand up through his hair and turning his back to her. This wasn't a joke this time, it wasn't all a part of Tommy's plan.
"I didn't kill him Tom, I didn't even know about it"

She tried to explain but Tommy didn't even listen, turning his back to her and looking out the window, trying to slow his mind down and think clearly.
He barely listened to Ailbhe's explanation, how she had found Maggie Brennan on her doorstep after carrying out the assassination of Field Marshall Johnson, how Ailbhe had hid her in her home for a few hours, given her fresh clothes and some cash. Ailbhe had drove her to the train station and bought her a ticket to Glasgow, making sure Maggie boarded the train and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Ailbhe hadn't told anyone and nobody knew who Maggie was. She had thought they were in the clear but obviously not.
"Why did you fucking help her Ailbhe?"

Finn had never shouted at Ailbhe like that and she found herself in a silent shock.

"He was a member of the British fucking army; his father is an MP. They'll fucking hang you for this"
Finn knew he shouldn't be shouting but he felt so angry at her he wanted to throw the chair in front of him across the room. He didn't know what angered him more, that she hadn't told him or that she had done something so dangerous and reckless with her life, the life that was his now too.
The gravity of what she had done sunk in, weighing down on her chest like a brick. She would get locked up and they would throw away the key this time. That would be mercy, a best case scenario. The more likely scenario was Ailbhe's fate would be at the end of a rope.
Ailbhe looked at Finn, trying to get him to stop looking at her like that. The pain and anger in his eyes broke her heart, she never wanted him to look at her like that ever again.
"He was a fucking monster Finn, he killed dozens of women and children for having the audacity to want to be free, to not be slaves to the crown"
She snapped back, feeling her temper flare among all her other emotions. She stood up from behind her desk. After Maggie explained what the man had done, how deplorable and despicable he was Ailbhe didn't feel guilty for hiding Maggie. He had been a black and tan officer in Cork, in charge of putting out every spark of rebellion whether that meant killing those responsible, burning homes to the ground or torture. This particular officer had committed crimes that he would never be tried for. Instead, he came home to England and was given a medal. He was told that he was a loyal soldier who had defended the British Empire against those who meant it harm. It made Ailbhe sick to think about. And so, as far as Maggie was concerned, the world was a better place with Field Marshall Johnson dead and Ailbhe wouldn't say it out loud but she agreed.
"This isn't our fight Ailbhe, we don't have any business with Communists or Irish. That's our rule"
Finn shouted back, throwing his hands out. He was furious with her. He couldn't fathom how she would be so reckless with her life when he needed her alive and with him.
"No business with Irish? What the fuck do you think I am?" She snapped but Tommy shouted out, cutting across them and spinning back around.
"Shut up" He barked; he couldn't think with them arguing.
Tommy looked at Ailbhe, eyes wide and panicked but he had a plan made in his mind. He walked over to her, closing the distance between them and grabbing her by the arms and turning her to look at him.
"You swear you had no idea about it before yesterday?" He asked her, looking into her eyes and searching for any trace of a lie.
"I had no idea Tom, she just turned up on my door and I helped her to get out of the city, that's the truth"
She promised, knowing Tommy would believe her because he could see through lies just like she could. And she wasn't lying.
"Alright" Tommy nodded, believing her "Moss says they won't be coming to arrest you until the morning, we have about twenty-four hours"
Ailbhe felt guilt and shame curl around her. Finn still had his back turned to them, he couldn't even think about what it would feel like to have Ailbhe hanged for her crimes in prison. The thought of having to go on with life without her was enough to make Finn crave a drink.

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